
Mugs from DA.

These are the mugs i ordered from DA for Xmas but ended up getting only on my bday:

The Io mug:

The Roja mug:

And easily the funniest, the rubber girl mug, which has 2 sides:

These are all designed by Zach and can b purchased at his DA storefront. I highly recommend the rubber girl one. ^^

Holy shit i have to update the profile!

So like, i went to sleep at 11pm on the 29th, i was tired, and cold, needed a nap. and i woke up now which is 1:30 AM on the 30th, and pizzacat jumps out of a basket and wishes me a happy bday, i completely forgot!

Yes folks, I'm 28 today. I'll update this post later with whatever i get during the day. ^^


well, i was gifted with a bunch of nice doodles, and they're all rather mature. ^^

  • Jimmy and Zach did a collab and gave me a doodle of robin from One Piece bathing in a lake at the light of a full moon.
  • Pizzacat did a doodle of Tof jumping out of a clothes basket and groping his character Proxy as she's about to take a bath.
  • BittenHard did an amazing scene where Vanilla from the sonic series is exposing herself to an overwhelmed Tof and seems to b getting ready to show him a good time, Cream is in the back thinking about joining in as well.
I don't think i can post the pics here, unless i bother with work safe thumbs. Besides that, nothing much. However, the mugs i ordered arrived. But i'll make a new post to show them off. ^^

Mariokart is Fun

Tof has recently experienced the most joyous part of the more recent Mario kart games.

...Item rape. Isn't it great that computers need to cheat to beat us ultra-smart humans? It's things like these that make me question why people think robots would try to take over.

Subliminal Coke

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Merry Xmas

On the behalf of the Mighty Panty Raiders, Merry Xmas everyone.

i Thought it'd b interesting if we all posted what we got, Jimmy prolly wont post that just yer cause he's away for the holidays, and Zach is prolly opening whatever he got right about now. I might b the only one who got anything though.

So let's see, i got:
  • Chocolate (what the fucking hell?)
  • A robe (pretty damn warm one.)
  • A Rubik cube that is not a Rubik cube (a sort of games that use buttons. it fucking talks too)
  • A scarf (I always say clothing isn't and never will b a present)
  • A harddrive i asked my uncle to get me 2 days ago(my mom snatched it and gift wrapped it)
So yea, this was kinda bullshit. the last present was something i told my mom specifically not to buy, and of course, she bought it.

Yea, I'm now the owner of a Wii. i feel fucked, cause now imma need to buy games for it, and maybe another Wiimote, etc... I hate how everything costs money...

Right now, i only have WiiSports, which I'm already dead tired of. I may buy 1 game for my bday, and then just let this sit in a corner.

December Blues.

I admit, I've been losing the habit of posting on here. kinda messed up between work and trying to have a life.

I guess I'll do a lil Webcomic review
  • VGcats made a new super effective comic, Pokemon would b a lot more fun if it included aspects that the GTA games have, u know? i mean, why stop at collecting lil critters? let's steal a car, beat up people and get laid!
  • F@nboy$ has their Xmas comic up. It's not hilarious, but kinda funny all the same. Although that comic really made me realize that the realistic look the artist was going for is pretty much gone by now and it's back to a goofy cartoony look, which looks nicer IMO.
  • Menage a 3 started a new arc where Zii is trying to help Garry get laid, and somehow now Garry's unconscious in bed while Zii and Didi taking his clothes off so he can sleep comfortably. It's pretty funny as usual and i can't wait to see what will happen in the next strips.

That's it for comics really. as for myself, stressing times, my sis is gonna have an operation soon, her BF is being emo cause she made a friend online, he just dumped her as I'm typing this, and i so don't need all this fucking drama.

There's an issue at work where we're not getting vacation over the holidays, and there's a mutiny rising.

Instantz seems to have quit releasing fansubs of one piece, I've had to watch it on youtube for the past month. If anyone knows a fansub group that is doing the lastests episodes of one piece, hook me up.

Also, Does anyone know the source of this movie? I know jimmy linked me to that site once, but i have no idea where it was. it seems to b an Hentai game, but i have no idea where to get it.

Races of ShinDig! : Angels

Angels are very similar to demons, and yet also very different. This is perhaps due to their efforts to build bridges with other races and in effect expand their own horizons, something most demons couldn't care less about.
Physically, angels are nearly the same as demons, with a few key differences. Angels possess the same primary body color and grey limbs most demons have, but this is a constant for all angels. They're very pale other than the limbs, and the feet end in pointed toes that seem to serve no important purpose. Male angels always grow wings as they grow older; females have no wings at all.

Angels don't have the same longevity or physical power that demons possess, but the difference is negligable. This may be due to their desire to branch out and better themselves, as opposed to the demons' naturally battle-hardened lifestyle. Still, angels far outclass demons in terms of ability to learn easily and spiritual power. Supposedly, the "halo" most angels adorn themselves with is said to increase these abilities, though other races are quick to say that it's simply a piece of jewelry.

The angels possess a glorified police force founded by the leader of the angels himself, and most male angels turn their sights toward this cause, which essentially makes them the most powerful military force in the world. This "Angel Armada" carries the latest in gremlin-developed technologies...supposedly. But more on this later.

Oh shi-!

Just a lil warning, today for some reason my windows choked (that's a new one for me) and i had to reinstall, if u tried to access either the oekaki or wiki, u may have noticed it was down almost all day.

however, I fixed both of them, in a weird cheap lazy way i decided to experiment with which didn't made either lose anything. But keep an eye out for anything weird or any errors, I'm not 100% it's all good.

If you notice a problem with either, please reply to this post, thanks.

Go doodle something nice!

Nothing to post about, really really busy week as things close in on Christmas, but i had a fun theme idea for the Oekaki:

What do you turn into on the night of a full moon? (werewolves not allowed)

Drop by the Oekaki and b original!

However on a sidenote, Whenever doodling on the Oekaki, b sure to printscreen before submitting, my UPS has been acting up and the Oekaki may go down while i'm at work.

Note to self: Look into "turtoasters", turtles combined with toasters. they would live in kitchens and slowly edge over to bring us fresh toasts...

What if i had a game?

If i had a game, it would most likely b a platformer. why? they're easy to sprite for, u can make a simple story for them, and u're all set.

With that in mind, and out of mutual boredom, i pocked Zach to doodle concept art of what my character would look like as a platformer hero.

This was originally intended to become sprites to b used for a game engine a friend was developing, however, as i predicted he gave up on it (what i didn't predict was that it's because he accidentally deleted the project while formatting and reinstalling his computer).

I considered making a Super Mario World hack, but 2 problems with that: the tools are really hard to use (as all hack/modding programs, seriously, put some work into those u damn halfassed programmers), and the sprite size and palette are really limiting. I know it's old school, but honestly, Mario has only 3 frames in his walk or run animation 1 of them being his stand frame.

the original sprite for his run never looked right to me, I'd never b able to pull out something I'd settle with. Just doing the run animation drove me crazy, and on top of that, i was pretty sure i wasn't gonna b patient enough to put up with the previously mentioned tools to figure them out and insert sprites into a ROM.

Librarian are the Shiznacks.

Let me get this straight: I do not watch too much television, but once in a while I might flip through some of the other channels and get something nice to watch. Normally I avoid the Turner Network Television TNT because there is nothing really good on that network, but one day I happened to stumble upon a cheesy ass movie called The Librarian. Now the first thing that popped into my head was Indian Jone Clone, but upon watching it, I fell for the quirkiness the show brings. To sum it up real quick for those who do not know the movie series, the main character Flynn (Noah Wyle) becomes the Librarian whose job is to protect and seek rare magical artifacts. The story is pretty much standard fare: Guy meets girl, bad guys, some kind of doom, resolution, kissing scene. Standard but good fun watching.

I had missed the airing of the second movie, but I got it on DVD. It was not as good as the first one, but most things are not better than the sequel. Then upon random chance when Liz's cat Mr. Pickles stepped on the remote it changed to TNT and long behold an ad for the third one was shown! All I can tell without going online is that Noah Wyle, Bob Newhart, and Jane Curtin reprises their roles. I'm not going to read about the story because, well it's a silly fictional world with movie twisted logic...but in the end that is what makes it entertainment.

Gloating is fun.

I took that gay quiz that k-tof took, and I actually am less gay. Imagine that! - Gay Test

Also from that test I found the Quiz Impossible and missed one question during my first trial. It's pretty difficult in that it requires some thinking skills. - The Impossible Quiz

I am all that is man!

Or at least 79% of me is.

A lot of people thought i'd score a lot higher than that, and i scored less than them.

Lil quick mentions of webcomics worthwhile this week:
  • F@nboy$ produced a simple yet funny comic mixing team fortress 2 with left 4 dead.
  • Penny arcade, which i rarely mention, somehow made a decent comic about the new Prince of Persia i guess. "Fertile" really is a odd word to overuse in any videogame, even a hentai one...
  • Menage a 3 can, do, no, wrong. I know, i praise that comic way too much, but it totally deserves it. almost every new comic is funny and the character development is actually good.
Other webcomics like McNinja and NerfNow arent being especially intresting this week.

San: Three kingdoms comic is a comic i rarely mention to anyone because it's most funny to Dynasty warriors fans such as jimmy and myself. it has long hiatus, and is crudely drawn, but i find it really funny. it started updating again though, producing a few funny comics in a row:
  • Distrust - Kongming (aka Zhuge Liang) for some reason, both in the games and in the novel never trusted Wei Yan, this comic gives a way more valid reason for that distrust.
  • We are even - U know what, i don't even know what that's all about, but it's so god damn funny! Ok, actually it's not in the games or novel, but in the comic itself. Last time those 2 met, Kongming ruined Huang Zhong business by giving a bad credit card.

lol Solar Flare

Leave it up to the guy with three eyes to come up with a technique that blinds other people temporarily. In the very least, Tien was sort of handy to have around, unlike say, YAMCHA. But seriously, it's real fun trying to find the biggest weirdo to slap this face on. I doubt anything'll top ole Jaood, though. XD

Street Fighter : Dumber Hyper Turbo 4

Every once and a while I take a seat back and think that Capcom has brought us some pretty neat excellent fun games: Ghosts 'n' Goblins, Strider, Alien vs Predator, Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, Megaman 2, Onimusha, Phoenix Wright, and a bunch of others. Then I think, maybe I'm always so harsh on them because they make so many games, until I realize one thing: Capcom loves to sequel shit, and when they are not making a sequel things are porting it. And once they port the updated version they bring it back to the old system as a new game. Where was I? Oh yes, sequels and Capcom.

Let me present to you Capcom's latest brain storming money maker: Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation

Some of you probably misread it, or perhaps I did not make myself clear, so I will repeat in bold:
Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation


If you are not aware by the title, the game will be online and controlled by the mouse. I know what you're thinking:

"How is that even possible Jimmy, a fighting game controlled by a mouse !?!"

Well I'll tell you how, when you call in the next 5 minutes, not only will I throw in the game, but I'll also give you shitty controls absolutely free! But WAIT. If you are the next 100 callers I will throw that in, plus an aweful customizer as well! That's a value of $19,234,819,048.00! However, instead of paying that amount I'm going to give it to you for a steal of a deal. Your sanity! ACT NOW.

"Woodman Is Incredible"

Click pic to see the video

Honestly, that's putting it mildly, he's fucking awesome! I know a lot of you people might have seen this before, but damn this is pretty awesome, both the concept, animation and voice acting. It's pretty well done and deserves to b mentioned just for that alone. The fact that's it's freaking funny only adds to it!

Overclocked Soundtrack

Okay, I hate double-posting so early, but I recently found out that some of the guys at OC Remix, a site I've frequented for years that has created works that make up pretty much all of my music folder, made the soundtrack for Capcom's millionth Street Fighter 2 remake.

Sure, it more or less means Capcom got out of putting any work into something AGAIN, but I just thought it was neat they let fans come in and be a part of it. That's really who the game is supposed to be for, right?

Tephra's Hair

So Tof asked me to mess around with Tephra's hair a bit. So I did, mostly just sticking more rings on her. I also come across as a total weeaboo because I use the term "mushi"...I should've wrote "ai no mushi". XD

Super Obama World.

Not super cool, but pixels still have a weird attraction to me. it's a pretty well done Super Mario World clone starring Obama.

On a personal note, this week was starting ok, but for some weird reason at 6pm my mom decided to not pick me up at work and left me waiting in bellow freezing point (negative Celsius temperature) for 50 mins. I called her 3 times in 10 mins intervals and each time she said she'd "b right there". understand that the driving distance is only 10 mins so it really didn't make any sense.

Although i barely didn't catch a cold (still not quite sure i haven't), I've slept really poorly because I've been having stomach and intestinal pains all night. I think I'll take the morning off, i don't feel up to go work today...