
Mr. Bastard: Hell's Army 3

In Chess, the Queen, from my observations, is a very, very make-or-break piece. Likewise, the Queen Hellot is much more dangerous than her thin frame would suggest.

Where the Rook focuses mainly on defense, the Queen is much more mobile and offense oriented. At first, she lingers in the rear of the ranks(when and IF they're deployed, anyways), only to dart into the fray without warning, at which point whatever objectives the group was made to do will promptly be completed, usually.

It should be noted that Queens are blindfolded, for no real adequately explained reason. It doesn't seem to hinder them at all, as their bodies contort and react almost instantly to whatever is going on around them. They do, however, seem drawn to commotion, and it's presumed that's why they even bother sending any low-ranked units along with them; to act as fodder.

I'm not exactly sure if I like the Queen's design on a personal level, just because it resembles so many things and makes me look unoriginal(well, moreso than usual). I just wanted it to have a vaguely feminine, deceiving appearance, due to the fact that so much of a Chess game can rest on the Queen's shoulders. I think I pulled it off, but it comes off as some sort of amalgamation of the Heartless(in general), the Dancer Nobodies, Voldo(I picture them moving around like him), and more recently the Witch from Left 4 Dead...I really hate when I get ideas I think are really good and then they're skewed by my experieces...

I am crying

So in California all of those who wish to become teachers have to take a horrendous exam thanks to the No Child Left Behind Act (No thanks to W. Bush's administration). This test is a VERY expensive test and I fear that even though I know my stuff I might fail a good portion of it.

These are the materials which are going to be covered:

Physical Education
Human Development
Visual and Performing Arts
Reading, Language, and Literature
History and Social Science

While some parts I know I can do very easily on seperately (Math, science, arts, P.E.) the combination of it all in one day (12 hour test) is what is going to kill me.

depressio the icon

Manic Microsoft Mascots

Console Gals Logo

XBOX AmazonXBOX 360 Barbarian

Left: Xbox Amazon
Right: Xbox 360 Barbarian

Microsoft Mascots:
Microsoft is a well known name in the PC realm and after infecting reality in pretty every computer related corner, they set their eyes on injecting their brand into the gaming community. Reception upon their first annoncment was luke warm at best, with a few people who were paid off by Microsoft to claim the girls as the Console Gal killers each time. While they struggle in Japan (Japanese seems to not like foreigners), they have recieved a good hold in the American market. Europeans plus the Australian's reception is better than that of the Asian market.

Xbox Amazon
When she was found in the amazon headquarters of Microsoft it was big news to the world. Now Microsoft wanted a set loose their creation to the world. Learning mostly from working with Sega on the Dreamcast Kunoichi's training core program, Microsoft figured that everyone would just ditch the remaining players PS2 Lady and Gamecube Girl in favor for their more powerful machine. While Xbox Amazon did adequately in North America, she was pretty much not looked at everywhere else in the world. Striving to stay alive she sometimes requests Master Chief for support. Xbox Amazon's personality has a tough outer shell and may seem aggressive at times, but those who love to hunt aliens have proclaimed her to be one of the best to have on the team.

Xbox 360 Barbarian
Learning from their first gal, Microsoft went back to the drawing board to revamp and release the next "most powerful" Gal on the Console Gal business. They pretty much upgraded everything Xbox Amazon had, decided to slim her down, change their color, release 4 different variations of her, and decided to release her a couple of months prior to the arrival of Wii Girl and PS3 Lady. Microsoft emphasize a lot on her online abilities and wireless features, but as consumers found out she carried two touches to her: A green ring of life and the dreaded red ring of death.

Yay! Fanart!

After drawing a Mario and Peach picture for BrokenTeapot on DeviantArt to save one of his pic, I was awarded with a free drawing. I gave him a few options to choose from and he chose Vincent Night (Who can blame him? Tentacle Bard!).

I normally do not make requests/spam others to draw my characters, but I love it when my friends like Christophe and Zach does one. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Or is that just an erection? Well in either case, the piece is here:

Wait i'll copy t... oh it's done

This is both amazing and incredibly depressing. This looks like one of those futuristic computers u see in sci-fi series or movies that load everything instantly.

Click pic for link

What they did was take 24 256GB Samsung MLC SSD's and put them in RAID in a beefed up PC, and show how fucking incredibly fast it was.

I think i got an erection from watching that.

Complete Royalty and Needy NEC Cousins

Console Gals Logo

Neo Geo Queen3DO Empress

Left: Neo Geo Queen
Right: 3DO Empress

Complete Royalty:
These two ladies are not related in any hardware manner, instead they are just ridiculously over priced upon their arrival and are still are for their age. The only reason the PS3 was not included was because of her relation to the Sony Service Ladies.

Neo Geo Queen
Neo Geo Queen has and will always live a high profile life. Prior to debuting as a console she strutted her unreaching prowness as the MVS Queen. This made her strictly available to only hotels and the highest bidders. Quickly modifying her clothes she came out to public, but because of her high class she was out of range for 90% of the population. Even if you did managed to land a date with her she only requested the expensive game diet, with each as expensive as any other Console Gal. She's snotty, but if you indulge her she will love and return the favor every time.

3DO Empress
The Empress came out competiting with the likes of Genesis Girl and SNES Girl. However, with her crazy price tag and limited papparazzi media coverage she sizzled at the side. To compare, the 3DO Empress' debut price is still higher than that of PS3 Lady. She is pretty well mannered and enjoys talking to the public.

Turbo Grafx 16 LadyPC-FX Enchantress

Left: TurboGrafx-16 Lady
Right: PC-FX Enchantress

Needy NEC Cousins:
The Needy NEC Cousins are one that are always looking for people to love them. While they have a small following Sony, Sega, and Nintendo managed to ousted them out of the spotlight.

TurboGrafx-16 Lady
TurboGrafx-16 Lady came at a bad time. The market had Console Gals at every corner of the market. She comes off as needy at time, but that is only because the fans all gravitate to SNES and Genesis Girl instead. In the Japanese market where they have named her PC-Engine she enjoyed a bit more success then the Megadrive Girl (Genesis Girl).

PC-FX Enchantress
After witnessing some success with TurboGrafx-16 Lady in Japan, NEC went ahead and released PC-FX Enchantress to outdue the likes of PS1 Lady, Saturn Hostess, and N64 Dame. However her miserable failure led her to give up her dream. Like most internet anime characters she went into the an alternative business to pay the bills. As such she became quite a bitch, but is well known for her close ties to the hentai businesses.

Asians love Pandie

Maybe it's the big hips.

Awesome pic done by BittenHard for Pandie's Bday. The costume is based on the Pandawas from Wakfu.

Huge thanks to Bitten especially considering he's been doing his annual military service.

Money Troubles

Well, I'm not in a great mood. Apparently some asshat managed to hack into my Paypal account and really screw my life up. Even though I've reversed the transactions...well it really can't be that easy, can it? Now, yes, I reversed the transactions...but Paypal decided to pool all the money from them into my Paypal account and then bar me from them until I jump through their little hoops.

After doing so, it turns out I STILL have limited access, and all that hard-earned cash is effectively floating in limbo, since I can't spend or transfer it (I can, however, make more money appear in a lifeless void for no reason). I forgot to mention that Paypal "refunded" my money by WITHDRAWING IT FROM MY BANK ACCOUNT.

To make matters worse, my bank itself is utterly failing at it's job by listing all my recent transactions as withdrawals, so I have no idea what the hell is going on. I'm hoping that I'm able to resolve this soon, because it's very, very, VERY stressful to have more than $200 in a place I can't get at it...

Pedo win

Click on pic for link

It'd b so awkward to invite people over ur bedroom and have like 15 of those in there, and totally worth it!

It's "Pandieday"

It's my character Pandie's Bday, she was created 3 years ago today by Zach for me. (meaning technically Zach's her daddy)

I didn't go around annoying people to draw anything for the occasion,but i did wanna at least do a blog entry for it. She's easily one of my favs though.

Sony Service Ladies

Console Gals Logo

PS1 LadyPS2 Lady
PS3 Lady
From Top Left clockwise: PS1 Lady, PS2 Lady, PS3 Lady

The Sony Service Ladies:
Some of you (fanboys and fangirls) might be incline to ask why do they look like "service ladies", and the answer to that is relatively simple: they are the end product of Sony. Being "service ladies-like" they end up working very well together. They seem to love wearing makeup as well and they all seem to wear some form of article clothing that can be zipped, button, and closed in front. Pirates seem to love the first two Ladies, and strangely enough Sony, like the pirates who they despise, is notorious for copying ideas from other console gals. On another note, there have been rumors floating around at Sony Headquarters that a new girl is being trained.

PS1 Lady
Playstation 1 Lady first came on the scene in 1994 and a lot of people were dazzled by her freshness and polygon displaying abilities. However, like the "service lady" you found yourself paying for her service, but most of the time you what you ended up with was her overheating and her not working. A simple resolution to this problem was to flip her upside down and continue on with your business. She is very popular with the pirate folks because she is cheap! Cheap! Cheap! And later in her life she stole a new trick from N64 Dame, vibrating!

PS2 Lady
In 2000 the PS2 Lady was in high demand. Apparently someone over-booked her and she was not available to everyone on her public release date. Her public relation manager blamed her outfit manufacture for the delay, but everyone knew it was a Sony scheme to drive up sales. Since her first day out in the world, she has become one of the best selling commodity that Sony created. She can do pretty much everything PS1 Lady can do and sometimes will even "upgrade" those gaming experiences. Like her PS1 colleague she is a pirate favorite.

PS3 Lady
The PS3 Lady is still fairly new to the scene and is struggling pretty badly compared to the other seventh generation console gals. Upon her marked arrival she was known to be one of the more expensive console gals to be released in limited showings. This caused rabid fans and online reseller opportunists to camp out for weeks to get their hands on her. She is a complete console diva and stole borrowed that motion sensing technology from Wii Girl.

Atari Girls

Atari 2600 LassAtari 5200 Missy

Atari 7800 VixenAtari Jaguar Girl
From Top Left clockwise: 2600 Lass, 5200 Missy, 7800 Vixen, Jaguar Girl

The Atari Gals:
The Atari Gals are actually seasonal based: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They also all wear very similar colored clothes and they all have red hair and some kind of headband. They are not related in blood and have relations closer to that of a girl band, and as such they are bound to have drama.

2600 Lass:
Like spring, a lot of people are fond of 2600 Lass. She is considered the nicest one of the 4 girls, and is highly praised by the older aged fans as being the girl who brought them the most clean fun enjoyment.

5200 Missy:
Like summer, she's a hot tempered gal and does not get along with the Atari Gals well. While she is outwardly pretty, 5200 started off not liking any of 2600 Lass and wanted nothing to do with her or the other girls, but later in life through some help she was more acceptable or at least tolerant of the others. She is known to dislike ColecoVision and Intellivision as well.

7800 Vixen
Cool like the Fall, 7800 Vixen was everything 5200 Missy was suppose to be. However, for reasons beyond her control she was not well received as the 2600, but fared better than 5200. Using a technique she dubbed MARIA, she is able to shuffle around large pixels better than the other 8-bit girls.

Winter is a harsh season and marks the end of things. Of the Atari Gals, she was the loudest. She claimed to be the first 64-bit girl, the most buttons, and is mathematically intelligent. She tends to yell at others to "Do the Math!". However, when the Plastation 1 Lady came flaunting her body, it only damaged Jaguar's ego into depression. While lurking around in the slumps many homebrewers welcomed her, since then she has formed a good size fan group who likes helping her along.

Welcome the Return of the Console Gals

The Console Gals (formally the Console Girls) are human renditions of video game consoles. Each console gal was created by Mister Pickles (vnartist). I prefer to not attach the -tan suffix, but it can be opted if you prefer to call them that instead.

The Console Gals borrows its idea heavily from the OS-tans. It was nice seeing a horrid system like Windows get some neat characters, and I had thought that since the OS were able to get some personas why not the video game consoles? So in 2004 Mister Pickles (proof link) created the Console Girls Warehouse where it did not reach much fanfare due to poor marketing. Since the tan suffix implied younger girls I opted for Gals instead as to include the more older age range ladies. Also while a few girls will look like their systems (e.g. NES Girl) most of them are influenced by their designs mainly because a lot of consoles are pretty boring looking.

The Console Gals are back, but this time I am going to spread them around. For the few of you who are familiar with the old Console Girls some characters have received huge overhauls, while others remained pretty much the same. Also included in the return are systems that were not included in the original debut.

Which Consoles:
The following consoles are done sorted by groups:
Atari: 2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar
Nintendo: NES, SNES, 64, Gamecube, Wii
Sega: Master System, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast
Neo Geo: AES
Sony: PS1, PS2, PS3
NEC: TurboGrafx-16, PC-FX
Other: 3Do
Microsoft: Xbox, Xbox360

The following are still under consideration
Coleco: ColecoVision
Mattel: Intellivision
Vaporconsole: Indreama, Phantom, Atari Jaguar Duo, Sega Naptune
Other: XaviXport

The following will never be up for consideration
Computers (It is not a console), Handheld Game Consoles (They deserve a different creator)

I'm sorry! ok?

Yes, I've been messing with the blog's logo, and yes, it kinda sucks. was trying out stuff and got caught in lazyness and internship crap. etc.

Anyway, was a lil bored today and had a couple of minutes:

My new L4D spray

Possibly Zach's new L4D spray

Retro, ain't it?

Races of ShinDig!: Gremlins

When it comes to brains over brawn, the Gremlins are at the forefront of the field. Although mostly physically useless, Gremlins are very capable problem solvers, and think amazingly quickly. Their level of technology is nearly unrivaled, with only the Goblins coming remotely close. It is a fact they're... actually very upset about.

Gremlins live in highly developed cities, as opposed to living off the land as Demons do. They enjoy very organized society, and have the aeronautic market monopolized. Typically, Gremlins are very, very intelligent, able to analyze and deduce their way through nearly any problem in record time. This is offset by how frail they tend to be, though their weapons research helps them contribute to conflicts if need be.

Of particular note is how hateful Gremlins are, especially towards Goblins. Gremlins prided themselves on their superior technology, due to their inability to naturally match the raw physical strength of Demons or Angels. However, they're slowly being overtaken by the somewhat less intelligent Goblins, who manage to produce similar, almost as effective technology at a much more appealing price point. The Gremlins are almost forced to rely on their specialization in aeronautics to get by. It is their one last trump card.

Pain in the ass

So let's get to the bottom of this. XD

I recently had a pimple on my right gluteus which transformed into a very large and painful abscess. That's pretty much where the body blocks off an infection or foreign object from entering the rest of the body. Because of this thing I could not walk, sit, or sleep, but people kept on not taking me seriously. My physician and the surgeon could not believe the pain I must have been in.

I went into the doctors yesterday and they said that I needed to go into surgery to cut it and drain it out. Not only that my Tetanus shot updated.

At first the doctor stuck her finger in my rectum to determine if it was not a worst case. It was a strange and . . . unexpected feeling at most. So they cut and drain the thing and find that the thing was about 10-15 mm deep. I thanked the doctor with the a joke that was only appropriate at the time "Thanks doc, that was a pain in the ass." She laughs and patched me up and prescribed me pain meds. yay. I'll be out for a 2-3 days.

This is just a post in case anyone cares.

My most horrid nightmare given form

No words can express the horror...

All that i held sacred has been crushed and destroyed... a King of Figthers movie... My soul is bleeding...

The horror...

Blooper Vinny's Chateau De Style

Been a while since anybody mentioned anything about the Daisy game. A while ago, I got this idea featuring a rather racist(but admittedly awesome) depiction of Jimmy's character as a pimping clothing store salesman. Basically, he'd function like the shopkeeper in SotN, and you could throw some cash at him in exchange for goodies...Which is pretty self-explanatory, I guess.

Lack of updates: why?

Well, i dun wanna people to think we quit updating, but it's simply that everyone's been busy.

Jimmy's still working on his secret project. Zach and me are addicted to the latest squeenix thing:

Don't get me wrong, am not a final fantasy fan or a RPG fan, but this is barely either. This is more like a platformer where your character gets new crap along the way.

Both Zach and me beat the game already (i did it in 2 days, new record on a FF game), but it's still somewhat amusing. Although, if u plan to get this game to play online, forget it. It's incredibly laggy for everyone except for the host.

Nintendo kinda failed on the online play for this one.