
Trying to figure things out

It's hard to figure out what people want to see on a blog when we have zero input.

right now, me Zach and Jimmy usually just post that that seems interesting to us. But personally i often wonder what is it that people would like to see me post.

I mean, maybe you guys drop by to see if we posted a link to something funny? if we rant about a movie? maybe you drop by looking for doodles?

Tried doodling today, and Zach was watching me do it over Skype, felt so uncomfortable...

Truth is, to us it's hard to tell because the feedback is null on everything, and yet we still have people visiting. Zach rarely posts any doodles here because he believes nobody wants to see those here. I think he's wrong but i really have no proof of the contrary.

I'm not telling u guys "Hey bitches, post right now and tell us what u like!", just saying that giving hints every once in a while would help us.

on another note:

As i thought, the Oekaki is mostly abandoned again. What's the deal? I make a poll (completely expecting it to fail), you guys actually voted on it and even more surprising, towards keeping the Oekaki.

So I'm like "Well, i really didn't expect that... guess I'll keep the thing up then.", and i do, giving it a over 95% up time for months, and then ya' all forget bout it.

I am disapoint. Well... not really, i mean, i kept it up cause your people asked me, so it wasn't for my sake anyway.

Well anyway, lastly:

I saw this video, found a server hosting that map, and damn, that's quite an experience. it felt so damn awesome.

If you do look up this map and activate the cat, at the end of his "performance" everything is white and u can't see anything UNLESS you're set on fire

There's a couple of flames that open us near where u spawn so try to remember where they are after kitty kills everyone.

Seung Mina that's why we love you.

Probably not work safe.

Seung Minas Treasure Hunt! - Episode 5

As Chris from King of Fighter would say, "You make me laugh, chump. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh."

Modern Midna

So, I finally got around to drawing Midna in her true form...sorta. Due to...lack of a decent reference, I guess, I threw this together. Sorta threw in a few elements from the imp form too, but that's how most people know her. Shame she effectively roped herself out of the series...barring some stupid retcon or loophole they neglected to mention earlier or whatever. Anyways, I wouldn't be surprised if she "comes back" as an "extremely familiar, but not the same" character.

...She was basically Tetra anyway.

"New Fist of the North Star"

So yesterday i finally found out what the Hokuto no ken movies i hadn't seen were called. they're from 2004 and were called "new fist of the north star". 3 OVA movies 1 hour long each.

Events takes place after the 2nd series, and maybe because of that there really isn't anything that feels important about it. Kenshiro's pretty much just wandering around doin what he does, and that's it.

Kenshiro saves a guy, ends up being involved etc etc...

Art is nice, kills are excessively detailed and graphic, everything looks good, but personally i kept having the feeling it was just another Monday for Kenshiro, he barely seemed to care about the events himself.

Only thing a fan would enjoy is the brief fights Kenshiro is involved in, and how they have 2 variants of hokuto shinken in it and explain it by saying that they could had been created by candidates to b the heir of hokuto shinken who weren't chosen, had their "fists sealed", but still retained enough knowledge to teach part of the art to others. A variant is used for medicine, and the other for fighting.

I think that's the first time that it's addressed what happens to people who don't become the heir, but seems that as soon as they address it they find that it's been done twice. In the same week finding 2 variants of hokuto shinken seems pushing it.

If you're a fan, I recommend watching it once, it's not bad, just, all things considered it's meaningless.

Note to my friends, my character Brooke's anniversary is on the 30th.

Oni Gary's Midnight Flower

With CPS, I wanted to try doing one of those nifty ancient Japan alternate universe stories they do in lots of manga I've read. Then I got a better idea to base it on Gary's point of view. So it's a bit more serious and realistic looking(want a nice example of what I'm talking about? Check out the new Zelda trailer for Wii. This is to CPS as that is to Wind Waker), and more stylized.

Razz is, being the apple, or raspberry rather, of Gary's eye, is a badass, dead-serious sex bomb of a her alternate persona, the Midnight Flower. In most circumstances, she is an awkward, lovable dope. She's kinda like Kenshin Himura. The outfit is unashamedly "based" on Momohime-Jinkuro from the game Muramasa. Originally, I drew the kimono longer, with less cleavage and no armor attatched to it. I mostly figured the shorter version would mirror Razz's style of dress better. It's a lot easier to tell she's 20 like this, eh?

So that's basically it. Everything is based loosely on how Gary perceives things, yet still mirroring how it normally is. Maybe I'll throw some more of these useless ideas up her later. Not like anyone cares, right? I really should do something with the actual idea before I start thinking about alternate universes, right?

PS2 emulation

On a whim, a couple of days ago, i decided to see the state of emulation for the PS2. It's something I've been meaning to do for ages but kept putting it off because some emulators are just a pain to configure and i assumed this would b one of those times.

I believe there's more than one PS2 emulator, but i tried this one:

You an download it as a zip or as an installer, i tried the installer.

And i really didn't have to configure much at all. You do have to get a PS2 Bios wich is simple to find with a google search and point the emulator to it. after that configure your controls and if u want to mess with the other options that's optional but the default settings work well.

Tested it with Disgaea 2, and it runs at a smooth 60FPS with really rare hiccups. The only downside i see in it is that it emulates the video too accurately, and these games are intended for TVs who deal with the scanlines.

Long story short, once you load a game, press F5 until the screen stops shaking. I wish i could get a pixel clear picture, but i'm just playing and not ripping sprites so that's ok.

As for Disgaea 2, so far i like it. Only played the first game on my PSP before, which i started to replay recently but the PSP was killing my hands and eyes, not to mention there's no comfortable way to hold something in front of you for hours without switching position all the time.

I hate playing games on consoles but really like playing on my PC, so this suits me just fine.

LordKat's Livestream is neat

Not sure since when, but LordKat (he's the "Until we win" guy on "that guy with the glasses") set up a Usteam along with his chat where we can see what he does all day.

He has guests show up which are usually people from "that guy with the glasses" and you can listen in and they chat over Skype and such.

They do D&D sessions midweek and weekends which i admit i find interesting. I don't think D&D is played at all around here, but it seems like something I'd be into.

I like that it's possible to play it online, but i hate i don't have people to try it with.

Lordkat recently started playing TF2, and i had to go show my "appreciation" for him.

I gotta say it's really cool to play TF2, kill someone, and 5 secs later see yourself through your victim's eyes doing it!

TF2: Mac update

Well, It's not what i hoped for, but it's something.

Anyway, here's the deal:

  • Free Weekend - get your friends to play for free til the end of the 13th.
  • Free earbuds item if you log on TF2 using a Mac til the 14th.
  • And in the video, you can see the engy with a new shotgun.

I want the earbuds, but i don't even know anyone who owns a Mac, so meh.

I think this guy is for real...

At first I thought "this guy HAS to b trolling". But on further inspection, "oh god... he might actually b serious..."

Tsuchinoko Dumpling

So, this little guy here. Basically, I wanted to imply that Gorgon Zola, the snake-lady aristocrat Razz occasionally butts heads with, lives with several servants that she's prone to antagonizing. They're basically what Waddle Dees are to King Dedede: Fiercely loyal, generally useless buttmonkey minions that exist merely for Zola to use and abuse as she sees fit.

Thing is, I didn't know what I wanted to do with them in terms of design. Originally I just planned to have them be random things she managed to will into working for her. But eventually I got a bright idea to base the little buggers on the tsuchinoko, a sort of short, fatty snake-like crytid. And so I eventually cooked this guy up, as a sort of example. I want people to associate the look with things that are adorable and yet fun to beat the tar out of, like the aforementioned Waddle Dees, Prinnies, or Serbots, etc.

Personally, I like most of this design, but I'm not sure about the snake hoodie growth on his head. I want them to come off as smaller, lower-class gorgons, but I'm not sure if it's working as a substitute for snake hair. Maybe I'll just make ait an actual hood instead.

Oh, and don'tlook into the title too much. A "Tsuchinoko Dumpling" is a really, really good healing item in the game Radiata Stories that you can get on rare occasions when you manage to kill a Tsuchinoko in battle. Though, I suppose the little guys are pretty dumpy and the -ling suffix does sum up their size pretty well...

Fanservice gaming enabled

You know how some japanese games/apps are racist towards the rest of the world and will not run on non jap systems?

Yes, Japan can be a dick about things like that.

There are ways to get those games/apps to run on your system, but that involves setting some things on windows to jap and restarting, and when you're done playing you'd have to set your settings back and restart again.

Thankfully, I found this neat lil app called NTELA that can install an option to your right click menu to run jap software using it. and it seems to work really well!

So i decided to try a jap game i heard good things about:

Vanguard Princess

The rumor i heard was that this is a fanservice game (seriously, there are NO male characters anywhere in the game) made by a ex-capcom employee and was made available for free. Besides the fact that the game is free, dunno if any of that is true.

So yea, i got this game to test the app, and works perfect.

As a side effect, this is a really really nice game! sprites are amazingly nice and detailed, there's half naked girls all over the place anywhere u look, some of the characters are awesome (the loli with wrestling moves is so badass) and the gameplay is neat. i totally wish someone translated this cause I'd like to know what's going on story wise.

There's a Wiki for this game with info on how to install, run and play the game in case you're interested.

They Fight Crime and Demons and Stuff

One's a pin-thin thing from another world with a bad attitude and an awesome hat. One's a deceitful perverted octopus who builds explosives and stores them inside his head. One's a relatively normal voluptuous blue-skinned lady who wants to be taken seriously. They fight crime.

I've always had a slight problem with Elva's build, since it contrasts so much with everyone else around her. There's also a slight dilemma in that i want her to look sexy, and not rely too much on implied attractiveness. I think the reason it's so difficult has something to do with her height, and the more proper proportions I've been learning about only come of as average at that size, instead of the fanservicey type I'm aiming for.

Mr. Bastard I don't have a problem with, since I've started to rely on how his design defies logic as a character trait, or racial trait, I guess you'd call it. Storyline-wise he "couldn't possibly exist" according to logic. And yet he's there.

Loogie is an octopus, and about the only thing accurate about him is that he has rectangular eyes, something I did by complete accident in order to give him a blank looking default expression. Otherwise, he is in his fifties(Octopi have short lifespans), he constructs delicate explosives with no fingers, and even though I plan on having him correct the idea that octopi do NOT have tentacles anytime somebody mentions it around him, he actually DOES have them.

PC gaming and a small notice.

Most people have heard of BlazBlue, not everyone has played it though since the damn thing was only on consoles.

It seems that it was recently released for PC though. I hoping to give it a try soon.

Also if you played majesty 2 and liked it, there's an expansion out for it. I played it and beat it, and it's pretty decent. I do love that game and enjoy every new map i get to play of it. Speaking of which, this expansion comes with a map editor.

It's very challenging but doesn't really bring new elements. Think of it as a mission pack. Hence why I'm not going to bother with a review of it.

On a side note, My character Dandel's anniversary is on the 7th.

"Terry Bogard's Lost Love"

The Youtube user theswitcher had this clip in his montage of silly moments in the fatal fury movie (or was it an OVA? can't remember), this particular part made me laugh until it hurt when i first saw it.

I love that he posted this clip on it's own, cracks me up so much. I feel bad for Terry but still laugh at it.