
A little something

I'm just goofing around in this flash creator and it's fairly fun. The text-to-sound speech is as great as the ones on the mac os so don't expect too much. However, they have the option for you to record your own voices. TestingGoAnimated by vnartist

Hurricane Irene

As some may know, Zach lives in Connecticut, which was in the path of hurricane Irene.

As kind of expected, Zach didn't show up online today and from what i read, some areas may be without power for days or even weeks. But in honesty, I dunno anything about how things are in Connecticut right now.

I have a feeling Zach's fine, I just hope there wasn't any serious damage to his family's house.

Hoping he'll be back online soon.

This is why we can't have nice games

If you check the link at the bottom of the post, there's quite more to it, and all of it makes people subconsciously rub the palm of their hand quite vigorously on their forehead or face as they read it. Of all the shit in Pokemon game you're going to have a problem with, you pick that?

Whoever wrote that article goes on to ramble on about people who are disabled, completely missing the point that in Pokemon, paralysis is:
  • A temporary status effect.
  • Caused by an attack, usually electric.
How can you even make an article like this? By the 2nd paragraph the author uses the word "disableism" (not a real word, unless meant "disablism"), which is about discrimination on disabled people, not temporary paralysis. Showing very early on how she has no idea what she's talking about.

This is Obviously nonsense because "Disable" in Pokemon just locks one of your moves and doesn't paralyze you *rimshot*

From that point on, the article derails into an unfounded rant about how Pokemon is insensitive because that woman doesn't know what words mean.

Next part is the one that really got to me though:

It's that one kind of nonsense that is so dumb, you don't even know where to start.

Paralysis CAN be temporary, and if the game treats it as temporary, maybe, just maybe that's the type we're dealing with. Were in fucking Pokemon does it say "EMPOLEON is paralyzed from the neck down permanently!" cause I've never seen that one.

You want an example of temporary paralysis? How about fucking tasers? You know when a Pokemon is hit by a high voltage and can't move? SAME CONCEPT!

Even that crazy bitch's kids can tell it's implied that the Pokemon used a move that stuns the Pokemon's nervous system resulting in a temporary loss of muscle function! guess what's that called. If you said Paralysis, give yourself a pat on the back.

The rest of the article is as dumb if not dumber, read it at your own risk, I'm not responsible if you pop a vein. Some of the responses point out how mind-numbingly dumb the article was.

source article.

Haven't been up to anything, so i'll post something funny

Something Zach found and we both ended up laughing real hard at:

This guy has an entire series of videos like this, you can find the playlist here.

He also has dubs of other shows, give it a look if you liked this.

Io the Man Angler

Io is a free-spirited, energetic, four-armed bio-luminescent alien from some far-off planet somewhere in the deep recesses of space. She leaves her planet in search of a mate that is tolerant of her insatiable sex drive... and the possibility she may accidentally inject them with her eggs should they become fertilized.

Io's anatomy is odd and mysterious. Why four arms? Why the knobby growths on most of her joints? Does she have a skeleton? What does she eat? How does she survive the vacuum of space? Unfortunately she's never stayed in one place long enough for anyone to really confirm any of that, though some people have their theories after observing her.

Personality-wise, Io is very open, honest, and comes off as unintelligent and naive due to her lack of knowledge concerning the various alien races she's encountered. She views the universe as a vast ocean of unlimited possibility, and even if she doesn't find what she's after, she may still discover something nice, or make friends with interesting people. She never forgets anything. ANYTHING... Though it may take some prodding to jar her memory.

The lure on Io's species' head is exclusive to females. It's used primarily to attract potential mates... and maybe food. We don't know. Females will burrow underground, leaving only the lure visible, and wait for mates/prey to approach. Males aren't very keen on breeding, considering it involves taking on the burden of the eggs until they hatch... and tear out of their mid-section(they get better. Still hurts like hell, though). They enjoy the sex part, though. That part's nice.

PC-98 cameos/references

By chance, I found a screenshot of a PC-98 game around a week ago, and the sprites on it were really good. So it got me in the mood to lookup what other games the system had.

Turns out there's a surprising huge amount of hentai games for it.

Hentai or not though, a lot of those games were wonderfully sprited, and I hate that it was mainly a jap system because i can't get the games for it to play, and the few that I managed to get to run with an emulator were, obviously in jap, so couldn't get very far from the main menu.

Did find weird stuff among the hentai games though, but the cameos and/or references always felt the weirdest part of all:

At first, i thought that the cameo here was that doll of Sailor Jupiter above where the chair is, but in fairness, it could just be any schoolgirl. But then i noticed the cap on the bed with "Terry" written on the front, which is not what Terry Bogard's hat says, but still could be a reference to him, and on even further inspection, I see a mini Muttley by the chimney.

This one could have way more cameos than the one I'm about to mention, but dunno the other ones. The most obvious one should the the guy in the middle with his back to us, it's an obvious Ryu, then the other one is the man standing on the right side, looks like Galford to me.

Possibly the best looking one, A very obvious Piccolo.

Very subtle Kenshiro in the back there.

Ok, Maybe i'm making this one up, but to me, it looks like Gary Oak being carried by a giant robot/creature, possibly rushing towards a cave where Ash will emerge from, with all of his Pokemon but one KO'd, to challenge Ash to a battle.

Maybe it's just me.

Another spiral rant: Why the economy doesn't work

So lately, been playing this backwards retarded game with Zach and Bitten, and i gotta rant a bit about it.

Sometimes, when I'm on spiral, I open the market window, and just stare at it for a minute or two.

Almost every time, You'll see people offering more than the top offer for CE, but instead of offering +1 crown, they'll offer +5/10/50/100.

The problem is, if it's not bought immediately, the next asshole to make an offer will top that one, and suddenly, bam! the next standard value for CE is that much higher.

The fags selling the CE are aware it's worth something and bargain for every ounce of it, the idiots with crowns just shovel it at the CE sellers like it's worthless, and then complain that they need more and more of it to get CE.

You get no advantage whatsoever from offering +10/50/100 than the top offer to buy CE, it's the exact same as offering +1, the difference is, you're not fucking up the entire economy for the free players community.

Personally, I only make offers lower than the top 5 to not contribute to the retarded inflation, but yea, lots of inbred fucktard people on that game, the economy will always get out of control for ANY excuse.

"Team Fortress 2; A detailed examination"

Pretty funny analysis of the alternate weapons valve introduced to TF2.

We lol'd.

Found another Zach

This one is a lil less obscure:

Weevil Underwood from Yu-Gi-Oh!

The glasses are off, the hair color is off, no giant nose and no facial hair. However, the general look is there and the hair is close enough.

I think I'll rate this one a 6.

Sticky out!

Zach is laughing really hard at this, so I figured I'd post it:

A new thing i'm starting

I've been meaning to do this since forever, but now I'm going to actually do it: Zach look-alikes.

Zach has a distinct look, but randomly all over we occasionally see characters that look quite similar to him. So, mostly for my own fun, I'm gonna start posting those characters on here as I find them for future reference.

Starting with this guy:

This is from a doujin, the naughty kind.

The guy vaguely looks like Zach, but on further inspection, has no facial hair, tiny nose and glasses are a tad too thin. Zach says that this guy's hair is a bit exaggerated, not sure i agree.

I rate this guy 4 out of 10 as a Zach look-alike.

Alraune Your Shit

Well, apparently all people wanna see is art and boobs. And this is both at once. Maybe eventually we'll get more of this sort of thing from an artist that actually knows what they're doing...

In terms of the original mythology, Alraune is just the German name for the Mandragora/Mandrake. And occasionally it's said to involve a hanged man' batter as a catalyst for growth. Mythology is kind of screwed up.

I went the cliche route and made an Alraune monster that's basically a cross between a man-eating plant and a succubus. Somebody should tell them that Barbie doll anatomy doesn't work for most of us...much to my chagrin...

Meanwhile, on 4chan

I don't often agree with 4channers, but this made me smile:

Couple of things worth mentioning.
  • Jimmy is going to punch me in the dick for adding social icons.
  • Tweaked mistakes in the blog's CSS, which may have created more of them.
I do the most random tweaks when I'm anxious. Got an hospital appointment tomorrow and hopefully my operation will finally get scheduled.

Oh this time i didn't check if the blog looks correct on other browsers, if anyone sees anything weird please let me know.

Edit: Turns out I accidentally fixed the post footer in comment mode, lol.


Most trendy dungeon designers like to stick at least one of these guys in their cliche-ridden labyrinths to keep watch over treasure they have no intention of coming back for. Dungeoneers are weird.

Beholders are magical abominations that practically sweat mana and generally using magic to dispatch them is an act of stupidity. Fortunately, they're quite easily distracted; the shape of it's pupil represents it's ideal love interest, and thanks to spending most of their time staring at gold and jewels for no reason, they're very lenient about it. Find some one or something that resembles that, and they'll pretty much be out of your hair and leave you free to loot whatever booty they have around.

...Don't worry about your "sacrifice", either. Beholders don't have social skills, so they'll just stare. And drool, maybe. They do that too.

Steam sales and Wii at 1080p

So, here we are again, steam sales:

Valve added a bunch of new items to TF2 related to the games on sale, most notable ones are the Brink hat for sniper, the pip-boy misc item for the engi and the Original for the soldier. There are more though you may like, have a look at the TF2 wiki frontpage. Should be in "trending topics".

I'm not gonna tell people what to do with their money, but, Aren't we all a lil tired of this strategy by now? Here's the thing, TF2 used to be OK fun, we'd play it tons and we'd want items for it, but now, it's a horrible noobfest where you have to yell at people for them to start moving, literally.

What I'm saying it, TF2 isn't as worth it as it used to be. A lot of the decent players quit, do you really play it that much yourself? And when you do, do you even have fun?

I dunno much about this one.

Bitten tells me you get some Krogmo coins, which i assume is the new PVP currency, and some bomber costumes. no gear you can actually use.

Every time i play this with Zach and Bitten, when they invite me (and don't blow me off), I have a huge urge to rant about it on twitter, but there just aren't enough characters for my rage.

The netcoding is still atrocious, when I play with Pizzacat, Zach and Bitten, at least one of us will always complain that we're getting hit by stuff that already or was going to happen. You're not fighting just 1 enemy, you're fighting the past, the present and the future!

Maybe it's just me, but Spiral still feels like a beta, they're still trying to figure out what to do with the damn thing and make up shit as they go. The problem with that is that the game is structured in a way where the player has to plan what he wants from the start and it takes ages to craft it. And these assholes go and change the rules/equips on ya.

For example: Every single one of us wanted a fucking electric sword from the start, cause electricity is retarded broken in this game (at least on players, prolly less on monsters), and there wasn't one. We all went and planned for different weapons. after many months and still haven't completed my fucking fire sword, there's finally the damn electric sword now.

Fuck you game!

Someone call me when they figure it out and actually complete the game. Sick of playing a shitty beta.

Now, I can't read jap, but, I'm pretty sure that's a wii, and that thing says HD converter, and the lil device says 720p/1080p.

This is VERY interesting, cause my main complaint on the wii is the ridiculously low resolution. I opened mario kart wii on an emulator and it looked so nice at 1080 (couldn't actually play cause the emulator crashes).

If someone can translate that and confirm what it is, it'd be nice. if someone knows where i can buy it in Europe, it'd b nicer.

TF2 weapon guide for F2P players

Obviously, this is debatable.

After making a first draft, and asking around a bit (Thx to PoisonedAl for pointing out a few), I made this list of items F2P players should go for:

Why make a List like this? F2P players only have 50 item slots, so they can't possibly own every single weapon. Thankfully, tons of them are shit anyway.

Feel free to direct your clueless friends to this.