
Fucking Tea and Captain Planet

Couldn't decide which one to post, so I posted both.

The captain planet vid doesn't allow embedding, so you'll have to check it here.

New Bro Team Pill: Skyrim

I think i skipped posting their Magicka video because i didn't think it was very good.

In unrelated news, I've finally beat Odin Sphere, but the game wants me to beat it like 5 more times to establish my status of alpha male over it. Really dunno if I'm gonna put up with it much longer.

Nice Graphics, horrible gameplay and neat service

I don't know why, but about a week ago I started playing Odin Sphere. Muramasa was a cool game so i figured I'd look at other stuff VanillaWare made in the past.

Huge mistake.

Visually, it's along the same lines as Muramasa, however, the gameplay is, fucking, horrible. I don't wanna get into it because I know I'll start ranting way too much, just take my word for it, it's terrible.

I am still playing it because I'm too invested in it to quit now, and the story does interest me, but each fight, even against normal enemies, is fucking torture.

This game has been taking huge chunks of my time that i should had spent writing or doing shit to post on here.

However I'd like to take the opportunity to mention Oovoo.

See, I've been playing Odin Sphere on the emulator PCSX2, and when I Skype with people, they sometimes wanna see, problem is, Skype limits this to 1 on 1 calls.

So me, Zach and our friend Shigoto tried Oovoo and I made a videochat room in it.

I gotta say, it was pleasantly surprised. For starters, We've been having problems in voice calls with 3+ people in them on Skype, Someone can't hear another person or breaks up, but only happens to 1 person and kind of randomly.

In a video call, we've had actually better sound quality and no problems on Oovoo, also, the video seemed to work rather well. I was streaming Odin Sphere from my desktop using ManyCam, and Shigoto was streaming Skyward Sword using his webcam (webcam LP, lol) and it all ran decently.

Oovoo's site says free accounts can have video conference calls up to 6 people, and premium accounts up to 12. Personally, 6 is way more than enough.

If you guys like Streaming yourselves playing games or doodling for your friends, consider Oovoo, I sure fucking loved it.

My masochist passion for Ultima IV

I seem to not be easily impressed with videogames like Mass Effect 2 or Oblivion/Skyrim while others sing it praises. But recently, I re-watched Spoony's review of Ultima IV with Bitten, and after a bit, It all started to make sense.

So here's a lil of my backstory.

As a lad, I got Ultima IV for the Sega Master System, and for the longest time, wasn't even able to play it seeing as a was a 10 year old french kid with very little knowledge of the English language.

Ultima IV came with 2 books, and a map. Those weren't for shits and giggles, you really needed them to play the game.

While being frustrated with my efforts to play the game, I would read the books (which thankfully for me were in french) and actually be really impressed with how much detail there was in the game. As a kid, I really like the spellbook in particular.

Almost every year I would pick up the game again and have this period of time where I would "fuck around with it" and try to play it, eventually learning about the game, the objective (which isn't all that clear) and in the process, learning English as well.

I think my first real attempt to play the game was when I was 13 or 14, and it took me ages, I got far, but didn't beat it.

Backstory of the game.

Spoony covered most of this in his review, but I'll try to add to it.

Doing a lil reseach on Wikipedia, I see that the game is/was considered one of the best roleplaying games of all time. Although mostly by old faggots like myself.

Apparently, the Ultima series were around when people were coming down on D&D because of possible "hidden satanic messages", and videogame RPGs were starting to be targeted as well.

Richard Garriott, creator of the Ultima series, was starting to get harassed about his games possibly having a hidden satanic meaning behind them, and that influenced him in the creation of Ultima 4.

Quoting from his biographer:
He decided that if people were going to look for hidden meaning in his work when they didn't even exist, he would introduce ideas and symbols with meaning and significance he deemed worthwhile, to give them something they could really think about.
The result, not your ordinary RPG.

I think it's a fun fact that Garriott was the only person to beat the game during the playtesting.

So what is this game actually like?

I think this line of the Ultima IV Wikipedia page says it best:
Ultima IV differs from most RPGs in that the game's story does not center on asking a player to overcome a tangible ultimate evil.
After the first 3 games, there were drastic geographic changes in the land, "continent rose and sank"describes well what is meant by that. New cities arose and eventually the world was unified under Lord British's rule.

Here's where it gets sketchy for me: To give the people purpose in this relative age of peace, he proclaims the quest of the Avatar.

The Avatar shall be the spiritual example for all to follow, and shall embody all 8 virtues.

Basically, It's a Quest where someone has to become a fucking saint.
The game follows the protagonist's struggle to understand and exercise the Eight Virtues. After proving his or her understanding in each of the virtues, locating several artifacts and finally descending into the dungeon called the Stygian Abyss to gain access to the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom, the protagonist becomes an Avatar.
It's so much harder than it sounds. On my own, before I even had internet, I had managed to obtained Avatarhood, completed all dungeons except for the Stygian Abyss.

What I liked and how this influenced me.

The conduct of the main character was strict. You are meant to be a virtuous hero, so you had to act like one.

We've all seen people act like asshats in RPGs and it really has little to no consequence, and to me, it doesn't feel like role playing. It's more about "how can i break this game the most" or "can I get away with this?" than playing a role

Although the goal is to become the avatar, but you have the freedom to do anything you want in Ultima IV if you so choose to.

You can kill NPCs, steal the royal treasury, scam merchants, steal horses, etc. Things like, "If you attack someone in a town all the guards will attack you" were already in that game.

You can make yourself extremely powerful right from the start of the game if you have no morals, the side effect being that you'll make your quest much harder and longer to complete.

For me, modern games have less or just about the same level of dept or freedom of action that Ultima IV introduced me so many years ago.

I've looked at the 3 other versions of Ultima IV and the Sega Master System one is so much more colorful and pleasant to look at. the sprite work is simple, but to me, it works and it feels nice to look at.

I really love this game, the fact that you don't have a "go kill the bad man" objective is so neat as well. I can't think of another RPG where your goal is pretty much build a religion based on the best ideals of mankind.

I sometimes spend hours listening to the main theme of the game. The mellow soothing theme that I like to imagine is being played by a bard without tentacles.

I may try again to beat this game in the near future, was wondering if it'd make a good Let's Play, but prolly not.

This is where I start rambling like an old man.

When Oblivion was first introduced, people bragged about such features like they were amazing things, but to me, it's been done in fucking 1990. Maybe just shows I'm old compared to the majority of gamers.

Fact is, videogames haven't really evolved much when it comes to depth. One could argue they just got worse with time. But maybe I dislike how everything has to be 3D and look ugly.

Oblivion had a lot of elements that Ultima IV had, but it looks so fucking horrible I could not get into it all that much. After playing Oblivion for an hour, you start craving fucking color diversity.

And I know people will tell me it's the ambiance of the game, and I'll tell them to fuck your ambiance it looks boring at hell. Skyrim does not look interesting in the least to me either.

Any game that has to have no visual style and has to go with realism is fucking boring to look at. I see realism every day when I wake up and it doesn't give me a hard-on anymore. You can make 3d games and not make them look depressingly realistic, invest into a fucking art director.

Another thing is how 3D actually makes any task you have to perform much more complicated and a chore. Everything takes longer and requires more effort because it's all done in real time. They kinda get how traveling is fucking boring and implemented fast travel in Oblivion, but it's really everything that is too slow and boring.

Ultima IV can take a rather long time to beat, but it plays fast. If it played like Oblivion, it'd take a fucking month of continuous playing.

Ironically, Ultima IV doesn't have that problem. I don't get this modern need to waste everyone's time walking, dealing with NPCs and even cutscenes. These "problems" were actually added over time for some strange reason and serve no purpose other than to annoy.

Want an example? doesn't even have to be 3D, the pokecenters. Fucking why?

There is literally something like the pokecenter in Ultima IV, it's Lord British himself. He asks you if you're ok, you say no, and bang, healed. You have to navigate the menu but it still won't take half as long as a damn pokecenter.

Well, I'm done. Hope someone found this interesting.

Hylian Horde 1

Just some Zelda-related doodles to celebrate Zelda's 25th anniversary (I'm lying. I did these for fun a while ago).

First one is Link, obviously. The other two aren't supposed to be Navi and Midna; just alarmingly similar characters, as the series is want to do... but you can say that's them if you want. I don't really care.

Autumn Steam sales

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about it. Most people I know rarely check Steam, and there's nice deals in there.

Check daily for new deals. Hope y'all find something ya like.

Forsaken World Thanksgiving event

Not much of an event in a sense. But really good prize to save up if you intent to stop playing for a week+ and idle for exp.

I say not much of an event since the requirement is so simple

How to qualify for the prize:
  • Be over level 40
  • Log in on 11/24 for a minimum of 1 hour

  • 1 VIP card

That's it.

What's so good about the a VIP card you ask? Well, you can earn one by other means, so I've used one before. Here's what a VIP card does:
Enhanced training grounds time – Memory Berries will be used more efficiently
Decreased cooldown on town portal – return to your home base faster
Enhanced prayer system – Praying will give better results
Gem polishing – 100% chance to get a different gem when using the polishing system
Field vendor – access a shop anywhere in the world to buy items for you or your pet
The main focus there really is the "enhanced training grounds time" and how effective it is with memory berries, even without playing your character you'll still gain a decent amount of exp.

I could go into detail about optimal use of the VIP card, but this post is about the event.

Game of the year right there

Maybe I'm the only person Skyrim doesn't appeal to. Still, seems to be a source of really weird bugs:

Parental guidance: West VS East

By Bitten:

I feel partially responsible for the concept behind this pic:

See, a while back, Bitten told me about an idea where Xiao got spanked cause she got a B on an exam, Which was hilarious to me seeing as a B to me would be a really good grade and my parents would be really proud.

It was a lil shocking to me that the stereotype about Asians being extremely demanding of their kids' grades in school was pretty much dead on. Me and Zach may have teased Bitten about it quite often.

With that said, Ginger's dad looks like the coolest dad ever. Seems like a real nice guy.

Late-Ass Halloween

I sorta missed out on Halloween this year, so I did this lazy bullcrap to "make-up" for it. Wanted to do something naughtier and involving Dana, since "around Halloween" is sort of her anniversary. But I should know better than to be ambitious or try to do anything more complicated than a scribble. Trying to do a large project is a sure-fire way to guarantee I'll never finish it. Which is sort of humiliating considering how simple the crap I do is.

No, I'm serious. The power was out for the whole street, and the next day we had a bowl full of candy, which I quickly relieved of all it's peanut butter cups. The entire block decided to have our own Halloween about a week later. It was pretty neat. It was kinda like one of those lame family movies that are really feel-good and cheesy. Except it really happened.

Magicka: Free weekend and 75% off

Me and Zach got Magicka around last Xmas, it's a funny lil game and sorta challenging.

I liked it enough to recommend people to give it a try. Price is very affordable too.

American Internet censorship system

I'm not seeing as many sites getting into this as I thought I would.

Tl;dr: Today there's going to be an hearing for an American censorship system.

The system would block... Pretty much anything interesting on the internet. Anything that lets users post freely would be shut down.

Honestly, I'm having trouble thinking of stuff that would NOT be shut down by this.

Now, I can't be sure of what exactly would be blocked, but by the description, it sounds like it'd shut down/block:
  • All video hosting sites, such as Youtube
  • All social network sites, such as Facebook or Twitter
  • Art communities such as Deviant Art
  • Wikipedia and all other wikis
  • Practically all forums
  • All Blogs
  • Oekaki boards

So... mmm... I can't imagine what I'd even do online with all of these options out.

In short, this would throw back internet evolution 20 years into the past. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but maybe it would be even worse.

Well, Being European, I probably wouldn't be affected by this too much, but still, I think if this passed, it'd sink Google on the spot as it's entirely built on services that enable people to post their own content. This could potentially make the economy worse for everyone and in time, other countries could follow up on that example and pass censorship laws that are similar.

Doesn't the American government have other more pressing issues then fucking up the internet for the world? such as their economy?

The rest of the world already thinks that the USA calling itself "the land of the free" and always promoting the concept of freedom is a huge joke because it's one of the most restrictive governments I know of when it comes to freedom. This really is just the latest example of that.

Isn't "freedom of speech" in their fucking constitution? How dumb does a people have to be when their founding members say "Whatever the fuck happens, these basic rules must endure for our country, otherwise we're no better than the British" and then just fucking forget about it and become exactly like those whom they got their independence from?

Doesn't China have a system like that? and wasn't it highly criticized because of it? That's what the USA is reduced to: Copying china terrible ideas.

Lord Phobos

Lord Phobos is the leader of his planet/colony/place-that-he-reigns-over. His primary duties are the usual monarch-type duties people in his sort of position are meant to do. When he's not doing any of that political stuff, he's...well, he's expanding the population.

Phobos, as a Lord-caste, is the sole male in his colony of producing offspring. Thus, he spends most of his free time with his harem, which consists of the colony's breeder-caste. For most colony lords, this would be part of the job. Phobos has somehow come to enjoy it for some odd reason...

However, Phobos is primarily what most people would call a tyrant. His ambition is to have the entire universe under his heel, and he sees a perfect opportunity to expand his empire when a certain four-armed purple space vixen lands in his throne room one day. By copulating with Io, he hopes to make a means to take over her planet without a fight.

...He has no idea what he's getting himself into...

Takin the day off in Minecraft

Well, not really. I never made a sprite in Minecraft before, so thought I'd try it at least once. Creative mode was the excuse I needed.

Once you've played out minecraft, there's really nothing fun to do in it. It had been maybe more than 2 months since the last time I gave it a go, and honestly, after 5 mins I was already asking myself "wtf do I do now? there's no objective in this stupid game"

I know, I know... That's the point. It's a sandbox game in it's purest form, but I started playing it cause I didn't know what else to do.

Colors available are rather limiting to do sprites, which makes it sorta challenging to pick your palette.

Minecraft is a neat engine, I just wish there was some sort of goal to the game. Either that or way more blocks to make more elaborate things. I like the concept but I find the execution lacking.

Bonus points if you know which game that character is from btw.

New Bro Team Pill: Modern Warfare 3

This one is really short

I never played any MW game, but I'm reading that the joke is the footage is all from MW2.

This really isn't one of their best.

Didn't take long for people to learn how to break Skyrim

So basically, that's it. Get anything you want and no "halt criminal scum" I guess.

I gotta admire they coded merchants having to actually see you steal their stuff to accuse you of such, but facepalm at the fact no one in the world will object to have you stuff their head inside something.


This next vid is just a compilation of "stuff over the head".

I played tons of oblivion, and honestly, thought it was boring as fuck. I probably won't try Skyrim unless there's an amazing mod made for it or something.

Hedgehog Hammer

One thing I've been hearing a lot is how disappointed people are that there's no classic version of Amy in Sonic Generations. Could there have been? Sure. Is it a huge detriment that there isn't?...Well no. Not really. I'm gonna go off for a bit here.

Now, the game uses classic versions of Sonic and Tails as separate characters. In Sonic's case, it the entire point of the game. Tails arguably didn't need a classic version, but they decided the fans would prefer classic Sonic to be completely devoid of a voice, and thus classic Tails exists solely to speak on classic Sonic's behalf. That, and tell people what to do. And fanservice.

Tails is a bit of a special case, as he offers a bit more variety in terms of gameplay. They seem to have omitted the entire arc of Tails' character arc in Sonic Adventure where he mans up and actually starts to stand on his own instead of being reliant on Sonic all the time. Classic Tails acts like he's always been that way, and they kind of missed an opportunity for classic Tails to be inspired by how confident his future self is. They basically have classic Sonic do it instead. Apparently he thinks his future self is pretty damn cool.

But we're here to talk about Amy. A classic "original Sonic recolor" version of Amy might've been nice. But really, in the long run what would be the point? Classic Amy is a Sonic-obsessed girl that chases after him and swings a giant pervert-repelling hammer. Modern Amy is...a Sonic-obsessed girl that chases after him and swings a giant pervert-repelling hammer. Classic Amy was basically a minor character that mostly only showed up in spin-off games. It really wasn't until Sonic Adventure when she became a more substantial recurring character. What would classic Amy offer the game's playability? What about cutscenes? Does the cast really need to be bigger than it already is?...Do you really want more than one of...THAT running around trying to glomp Sonic? What would be the point?

I'm sure there's probably artwork of her you could unlock somewhere in the game. You'd actually have to, you know, PLAY IT, though. Or you could just Google it.

Way to go Valve, finding new ways to disapoint

This is rather self explanatory:

tl;dr: Valve was hacked into and everyone's info was accessed, including credit card info, account passwords, etc.

Credit card info was encrypted, so it's potentially safe still. But as I tend to say: the seed of doubt has been planted.

That's just what I needed today: A nice feeling of insecurity.

Yet another Forsken World event: Devotion

In the last expansion, FW introduced tons of very advantageous features. This event uses one of them, namely the devotion system.

In short, it's a system that rewards you for logging in on consecutive days with tokens, exp, soul coins and, after the 3rd consecutive day, you get to re-randomize one of your gems. The later also enables you to get Goldspark gems (increases crit chance), which normally don't drop from gemboxes.

The tokens are used in a new "shop", which has TONS of very very useful things you can claim. normally you get more as you level up. But you're able to claim a free one each day as well.

This event gives you a lot of bonus tokens.

Duration of the event:
  • From 11/9 to 11/14

How to qualify for the prize:

  • Retain their position on consecutive login days.
I admit, it sounds confusing said like that, but that's how the official site describes it. I think it means that on the last day, whatever is your consecutive login value is, is what determines the prize.


  • For 1 consecutive day: 50 Bonus favor
  • For 2 consecutive day: 75 Bonus favor
  • For 3 or more consecutive day: 100 Bonus favor

The "Favors" are the tokens used in the shop.

This event is extremely easy to participate in, and the reward is VERY good considering what they ask you to do:

Once a day, log in, and that's it.

If you got multiple character, you'll have to do it with all of them, but still, barely any hassle at all. Great event.

Holy smokes.

Holy mackerel Batman! Lou Ferrigno (aka the original TV Hulk) is a living version of Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star).


Littlekuriboh's "Bonds Beyond Time" Abridged

What can I say? We like Yu-Gi-Oh abridged and this turned out really funny.

No homo.

Sonic generations: First impressions

Kinda short... Will just say this:

  • First 3 levels (Sonic 1,2,3) were great. Then with very few exceptions, less and less fun.
  • Ending of Sonic Adventure 2 stage, was great with classic Sonic and was AWESOME with modern Sonic.
  • Seriously not enough levels from 2D Sonic games. No trace of a Sonic CD level. (Metal Sonic rival fight doesn't count)
  • Disappointing Boss fights, disappointing rival fights.
  • As far as i know, no retro Amy Rose, would had been a nice touch.
  • Reference to obscure sonic games ("SegaSonic the Hedgehog"and "Sonic the Fighters")

There might be a lot of stuff I've yet to unlock, but yea, that's my first impression. Wouldn't recomend it for the price they ask for on steam, maybe if it was 50% that.

Seems that Bitten REALLY liked Solatorobo

From Bitten:

Took him a few days to finish this, in fact, might be one of the most elaborate things he ever drew/color.

So yea, the story behind is as I mentioned, Bitten really liked Solatorobo and just had this urge to make a nice big pic of it. I think he said it's going to be in his portfolio.

Sum Screens of "Shadow of the Colossus" emulated

Lately, been playing Shadow of the Colossus on the emulator PCSX2, and by far, it's the game that looks the most surprisingly awesome on that emulator. Played and beat the game on an actually PS2, and it didn't look half as good as on an emulator.

It's really like it wasn't made to run on a PS2 at all. Feels so right on HD.

However, it's also the most resource intensive PS2 game I've ever seen. I can't run it on the highest settings of the emulator, but still, I thought I'd post stills of how it looks when I run it anyway:

There's virtually no limit to the resolution you can set the game at, but it is rather heavy on resources. This game in particular has a lot of lighting and blur effects.

I was thinking of recording a video of the game in action, but I dunno if anyone would be interested in that.

Egoraptor's new Sequelitis - Mega Man

I've always been deeply interested in game design, and my attempts to make some games myself only increased that interest.

The way Egoraptor analyses Mega man X is rather well done. I do wish more "reviewers" were this informative, being funny is really optional but always a plus.

I thought this was so interesting I actually started playing Mega man X for the first time (yes, i never played X before), with Zach watching me play (to give me FEW hints) I made it to D-Rex in 1 playthrough, Will resume later.

I seem to be a freak as I prefer to fight robot masters with the default buster than they weakness, I defeated Chill Penguin, Storm Eagle, Launch Octopus and Vile with the buster. I could not defeat Vile with his weakness for some reason and when I switched to the buster the fight became easier somehow.

Will prolly attempt to beat the game later today.