
Christmas Goils

Hey, Merry Christmas everyone. Or whatever you celebrate. Have a good one, whatever it may be.

Yes, that's a pretty roundabout way of saying Happy Holidays, I suppose.

TF2's Xmas crap and the adult swim cosmetic items

Adult swim sets

I have to admit, I got a kick out of the Brock Samson hair.

adult swim

However, after the initial reaction, I started thinking about it and imagined how it'd look in a full game with 32 people. While it's more and more true that TF2's "vibe" has long been destroyed, and the game feels like a circus, this really feels like it's taking it way further.

"Smissmas!" update

Oh those fucking crates and Xmas items...

Skipping all the stupid cosmetic shit, here's what's announced:

  • New MVM map announced
  • New robot class: the engi bot
  • New comic (link)
  • 3 new weapons (that actually aren't dumb re-skins for once, i hope)

new weaps

Update page here.

That's about it.

Had originally planned to post stuff I colored, but I got bummed out (December isn't a happy month for me) and sucked into Forsaken World again. I had 7 pics planned with Zach, but I've only finished 3, and been stuck on the 4th for a while.

In case you haven't heard, the humble bundle 7 is up

Most would argue this is worth it for binding of Isaac alone, and they're probably right. I personally never had interest in playing that game because of how it looks, I just can't get past it.

humble bundle 7

Here's something I don't get though, I've heard the game is supposed to be hard. Yet, every time I see Zach playing it, he makes it all the way to the end. Actually, I've never even seen Zach die in binding of Isaac.

Might just be that Zach is just oddly good at the game though. I dunno...


C'mon, dog! You gotta pound it, cause when we're together, we're BAMFs!

Going Bananas

Oh, Bridget. You really should stop doing stuff like that. People could get the wrong idea. Hell, maybe somebody'd get hurt...emotionally!

"Duke Nukem 3D" and "Metro 2033" for free

Man, it's a wonderful age we live in.

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition

(Edit: Promo for this one ended, I only saw it on the very last moment it seems)

Being given away on, To get it, you just need a GOG account, then go to the following link:

And add it to your cart as you were purchasing a game, and checkout. It won't ask you to pay anything and I'll be added to you GOG account.

Like so:


Metro 2033

THQ is giving this one away on facebook.

It's even easier to get. Go to:

It'll send you to their Facebook page, all you got to do is like the page, and they'll give you a code.


Now, the page has instructions on how to get the game, but I skipped all of them, and started Steam immediately.

Go to the "games" menu and then "activate a product on steam...", paste the code there, and you're done.


Enjoy guys.


Been a while since I posted a monster doodle. This is a tanuki youkai, like the latter of the title characters in Pocky & Rocky. Only it's a girl, cause I thought it'd be more fun. It didn't have to be. You know. Illusions and all. But I don't need another troll running around.

Forsaken World: Werewolves race

This is something we've known about for months on FW, the next update is going to introduce a new playable race, the Lycan. aka the werewolves.

Didn't expect this update so soon though, goes live tomorrow (December 12).

Now, similar to how WoW handled the Draenei, the Lycan were "sexy'd up". However, most are expecting this update to kinda suck, here's why:

This new race can only use 2 classes, and each is gender specific. If you're a male werewolf, you HAVE to be an assassin, and if you're a female, you HAVE to be a priestess. The complete lack of a new class to play is a disappointment, seeing as a lot of people have already played those classes to death.

Still, the wolf gals can look very cute...

As a pervert, I feel obligated to start a wolf priestess tomorrow.

I decided to give YouTube feedback on it's wonderful layout


Meanwhile, I made a script in greasemonkey to at least center the page. It's slightly better that way.

Love beween gumps is an awkward thing

I don't particularly like game grumps, but i think it's cool Jon tweeted the URL to the audio of this and Arin re-tweeted it.


I'm sorta regretting shading this one. This is a good example of time not being very kind to me. When I first sketched it, I really liked it, but the passage of time has easily eroded that feeling away, and I can only see it being...not that great.

I think I'm some sort of artistic magician. The nuances of my drawings pull the wool over everyone's eyes as they get distracted by whimsy or whatever, but the more you look at it, the more obvious the flaws become. But it happens REALLY fast. Like, it might only take a few minutes to see the crap under all the glitter.

Oh well. It's Chandelure. The body is sort of cheating. Or at least, it feels that way to me.


This was practice coloring Zach's sketches straight off without doin line work. It was interesting, both easier and harder than I thought it would be.

I think Zach may have doodled her because, when I played through Fire Red recently, I started saying that Nidorinas were oddly adorable.

Doodles like this is why I wish I had a good idea for a game, so I could include characters like her in it.


Now, imagine caves full of these things.

Despite being an admittedly pretty lousy Pokemon, due mostly to the fact it doesn't learn any decent moves until just before it evolves, I've always sorta liked Zubat.

Salty tears were shed

Posting this here for 4 reasons:

  • This game looks awesome and fun.
  • I'm a fan of Pat from 2 best friends play.
  • This was some royal ass kicking.
  • The last victory was even sweeter than the other ones.

I think Pat never won a "brawl" before. It's nice his first victory was a total cleanup.

Over Time with the Administrator and Miss Pauling

For better results, read the last panel a dozen or so times.

No Ron, it's "LeviosAAAAH!"

Help, we can't stop watching this.

Ghost Goill

A pic of Noill's character Marina, cause he did a bunch of oekaki stuff of my...stuff, and for some reason I usually think I don't deserve fanart, so I did this. Also featuring a dick ghost, though I'm going to refer to them as "Willy Wisp", because it's clean, still accurate, and you could put it in a Nintendo game and get away with it, and that amuses me.

Steam Autumn Sale 2012

Posting this here because it's easy to not hear about it.

They got the "flash sales" thing going on again, so check every few hours.

Pro-tip: rather than opening steam to check the sales, open your web browser, it's way faster.

Feel it in the air tonight

Me and Zach were talkin gibberish, and this idea came up, so i made it.


Silly sprite edit - Turtles in Time intro

You could say this is something I thought about doing nearly every time I played the game.

Top one is the original and the lower one is the edited version.


The palette is slightly bigger on the edited one, hair is a tad more red and 2 skin tones are different, but nothing major really.

The boobs came out ok, but personally, still not happy with it. However, good enough to post I think.

In related news:


I'm actually hyped about this

I played the first game, and I gotta say, it was fun and had good gameplay.

It's not out for PC, nor do I know if they have a PC port planned, So I can only hope. Come to think of it, not even sure it's out for anything at all.

I like some of the choices for characters in this, but the vehicle design looks drastically more boring. Still, it's a minor detail.

Speaking of detail, the TF2 character voices are so off...


> This is why we should never be roommates.
> If I walked in a room and saw you do that to a keyboard, I guarantee you a more tragic ending than throwing your pants over the the cupboards.

I gotta wonder if they discussed taking that sketch further...

Dropbox: The quest for more space

As I've mentioned, Bitten's doin "military service" in Thailand. So I've been trying to think of something nice to do for him since he should be back within a week or so.

Me Zach and Bitten all use Dropbox (Dunno about Jimmy, never asked), and in fact, we have a shared folder between all 3 of us with stuff we wanna show each other or blog related junk.

It is possible for free users to expand their Dropbox, but the most common way to do it is to refer people to Dropbox. the problem is, everyone and their mom uses Dropbox already, and if you try to make another account on the same computer, it won't work.

Dropbox by default gives everyone 2 gigs to store stuff online. Seems like a lot, but it does fill up quick. In particular for Bitten.

He uses his Dropbox a lot for commissions. I think he's sharing a folder with some other group for a comic project, which is like over 500mbs or something, and between that and his public folder which he uses to host commissions and/or wips, and the shared folder he has with me and Zach, his box actually hit the limit a while back.

I've deleted everything I could from our shared folder, compressed some files, but yea. Bitten in particular needs more space.

I happen to look on the Dropbox site earlier, and saw this thing i never noticed before:


"Getting Started"? 250mb space for that? Well, every bit helps...


So there's this freebie you can do for extra space, but the catch is, you need multiple devices to pull if off. I was actually missing step 1 prior to writing this, which is just a fancy "read me".

I don't think this will help Bitten though, I don't think he has a mobile device for this.

So I look around more, and there ARE more offers you can do for space:


I think Bitten will be able to do at least a couple of these.

If you're a dropbox user, I hope you find this info useful.

If you're not a Dropbox user yet, and If you wanna help Bitten, reply to this post saying you wanna help him, and when Bitten's back, I'll get him to post his referal link so you can help him get 500mb storage space.


For reasons unknown to us, all of Zach's pictures in his posts show up as "!"triangles.

Right now, we have no idea what's causing this. If anyone knows please tell us.

Edit: It's all sorted out, seems someone was trying to steal Zach's google account and google locked it up for safety.

"King of Famicom"

I love sprite movies, retro games and KoF. So this is right up my alley.

Also megaman's special move is totally not what you'd expect it to be, but that just made it funnier.

Kinda hope that Jimmy sees this one, he hasn't been on aim since he moved.

Thoughts about Interface design and operating systems

Incoming nerd rant.

M$ getting a lil desperate

I dunno how it is in the USA, but here in Portugal, I rarely see an ad on TV for consoles, videogames and operating systems. up to a month or 2 ago, i could count those on 1 hand. I was a bit stunned about M$ actually having ads on everywhere here about Windows 8. Saw it on TV a few times, local stores where having Windows 8 themed sales, stuff like that.

43f643a6-8793-4e2c-93f3-bf67a8aa8de0_31I get the distinct feel M$ really wants people to get Win8, but as I read, the ads don't reflect how Win8 is at all.

I have an android tablet, and if I knew how horrible they were to use, I probably wouldn't had bought it. I'm not gonna get into how shitty it is to use your fingers as controls, but it is.

From the Win8 ads, I had the feel that they wanted to make a tablet oriented interface, which is a horrible idea because those interfaces are the way they are because of limitations, not because they're awesome to use.

But, I read that you can actually get win8 to look just like win7. I didn't know that til I read it online, because from the ads I was under the impression that it was a horribly simplified piece of shit used by casuals jocks.

Did they convince people? I like to hope they didn't. Saw this earlier on a blog:


Made me smile.

Rules for interfaces

The thing with M$ is that even though they make operating systems, and the user interface is a very important part of it, it's something they systematically change for the worse.

I had a class in college that touched briefly on user interface design, it's not as easy as you'd think, but there are basic rules to it.

The goals of a good interface are being easy to use and being efficient.

What that means is that:

  • The options should be grouped in a way that makes sense under a menu/tab/other that has a label that clearly describes the scope of the options within it so that they're easy to find.
  • There shouldn't be an overwhelming amount of features/options on the screen at once. If there are too many options, then it's likely they should be split to another menu/tab.Do not overwhelm the user.
  • Frequently used features need to be accessible quicker than ones that rarely are. This is done by making it so that less clicks are required to use the frequent options, and in case of too many options, the lesser used ones can be sorted in a subgroup.

There's many more details to it, like being intuitive, consistent, etc. but those things tend to happen naturally through testing.

Now, that's sort of a dilemma, and that's the part that doesn't occur to people until they make an interface themselves.

  • You can be one of those people that hates submenus and make an interface where every single feature on it is a button on a toolbar, but if there's many features, you'll end up with something that looks like the an airplane's control panel, aka a clusterfuck.
  • Or you can be one of those that likes everything neat and tidy and creates tons of submenus that actually drastically slow down the user and make stuff that's used often require several clicks. Doesn't sound like it's so bad, but it it's something that done hundreds of times a day, it'll piss the user off.

You want it to be easy/fast to use, but you want all the options well organized too.

What makes an interface good?

The big thing my teacher stressed at the time though, was:

The only people who can say if an interface is good or not, are the users, NEVER the developer.

After all, the users are the ones that will end up using the product and put up with it. My teacher added that coders tend to make the most horrible interfaces that only themselves could use efficiently.

That's possibly the part of software design that requires the most input from the user. And the more time the user has to spend using the software, the more valuable his opinion is.

So how is M$ failing at it?

M$ breaks every single rule of interface design every time they revamp something. But I think I can sort of understand why:

  • They believe that existing Windows users will just keep using Windows regardless because of how jarring it is to switch to an entirely different OS.
  • They want to attract new people to Windows, their marketing seems mainly aimed at casuals, people who don't normally use computers.

However, they're not really having any sucess with either.

There's an irony here.

  • Switching Windows version IS jarring as fuck as it is, and getting worse every time.
  • Casual users don't have high end computers, and they actually do find win XP simpler to use, so they'll often use that.
  • More hardcore users detest the newer versions of Windows because it requires an adaptation period, which will affect their productivity, and the interface is oversimplified requiring way more clicks in general to do anything, so even after you adapted to it, the interface just isn't as efficient.

I actually have seen how much better the memory management is under win7 compared to winXP, but, The interface would slow me down more than what I'd get from the improvements.

Of course, some people seem to like the newer versions for some reason. But 95% of all people are fucking idiots on any given subject, so who cares.

What's the solution?

Ultimately, whoever decides if the interface is good or not is the user, but there's many of them and all with different tastes, right? So you'd think you can please everyone, but you're sort of wrong.

This is the main thing about people who defend newer Windows versions:

"Well, you probably didn't like Windows XP's interface at first either, but you got used to it"

To which I reply:

"No you dumb shit, You didn't have to because you could customize it to fit your needs. Win7 will absolutely NOT let me do that!"

(I think I'm paraphrasing a convo I've had before)

And yes I know, there's some tiny things that you can customize on win7, but none of them really help me improve my productivity with it.

Here's something else a lot of people disliked:


The Firefox menu.

Most people I know hated it. I think it's retarded because it's designed to save the 20 pixels that the menu would normally take in exhange for an extra click and a lot of navigation through sub menus.

It's especially stupid in an age where monitor are so fucking big. See back in the day where 1024x768 was the most common resolution, maybe? but now? No. it's dumb and 15 years too late.


You can disable it and get the old menu back. and really, that's all i ask for. The more you allow people to customize an interface, the better it will automatically be.

Just let people pick what they want, it's fucking simple.

The OS I wish would get finished

My personal hope is ReactOS.

It's basically an OS that looks and feels like Windows. It's made from the ground up to support any software that runs on Windows, as well as drivers.

It's literally a direct alternative to Windows, except it's meant to be better and won't force you to change OS every 2 years.

Obviously, M$ tried to have them shut down, but since the thing is entirely coded in Linux and does not use a single line of code from Windows, they can't.

A very entertaining read

I saw these tumblr blogs mentioned on tweeter a couple of days ago:

Suffice to say, I've been both laughing hard and been horrified at some of those posts.


The amount of racism on there is just shameful, the irony on those posts is delicious, and some people on there really can't seem to deal with not getting their way.

But really, those are just details, what struck me as stunning is how 99% of the people in those posts do not seem to even have a vague concept of what a decent healthcare system is. I suspect it could be media manipulation, but come on...

Most of the people who drop by to read this blog are Americans. So, as someone who has lived in countries with such systems my entire life, here's my understanding of it:

In a very brief description, it's a small tax out of everyone's income in exchange for all citizens being able to enjoy medical benefits at greatly reduced cost.

As an example, In France around 5 years ago, my mom had 3 hernias removed from her lower abdomen, and all we paid was 8 euros.

A lot of people seem to think that it's going to give "lazy people" food, money and whatever else without them having to work. I'm not sure how they'd assume that.

The thing is that if u don't contribute, you don't get these benefits, and you have to be a citizen or at least legally working in the country.

Maybe it's because of where I grew up, but I always thought all countries had a healthcare system similar to Portugal or France.

If you just check this page on Wikipedia, You can sort get the idea. Even though the USA thinks it's "the shit" as a developed country, it actually has pretty bad when it comes to health.

Seriously, if people can't see the value in increased life expectancy and reduced infant mortality, there's something wrong with them.

Smile, Darn Ya, Smile

Attempts to make a somewhat believable female medic mercenary eventually led to this. I'm still messing with it, but I personally like the direction it's going. On a side note, that's not supposed to be an Excalibur face, but it totally kinda sorta looks like one.

Given how often people seem to point out how samey my stuff is, it's kind of a wonder nobody's ever gotten on my case about my tendency to draw women who look irritated and annoyed. Maybe someday...

What kind of Pokémon hack would you make?

I've been watching creepy pastas on YouTube, and there are a lot of pokemon ones. Sometimes if the creepy pasta is good, fans of it will make a romhack that acts just like the creepy pasta.

So after watching a dude talk about another pokemon creepy pasta on Youtube, in the related videos there was a tutorial on how to use basic rom hacking tools for pokemon games.

The tools looked decent and simple to use and it seems to cover everything which makes sense because pokemon games are really popular.


So I start thinking to myself:

"Well, I'm sure I could do a romhack if I wanted, and it'd be nice to have a project to work on. But... what would I make?"

That's always the problem isn't it? I've learned to use many tools to make games in the past, but the only reason I never made a game is always because I never had a good idea for it. Editing a game is different though, the core is all there, you can just tweak stuff around a little.

I've been asking around for ideas, mostly out of curiosity to see what kind of pokemon hack they would do. The question is:

What pokemon rom hack would you make assuming you had a team do it for you. In this scenario we assume you're just the brains of the operation and all you need to do is decide things. 

I think I'd like to do a romhack even if the idea isn't that great, just for the experience. So I'm open to ideas and suggestions.


When I asked Zach what he would do if he could make a romhack, his response was "I dunno". but then again, that's also his response to "What are you doing?" and "How do you feel?". He says "I dunno" a lot actually...

As for myself, I had this vague idea:

You would play as a trainer who was walking through a desert like area with his 6 pokemon, but there were all caught in a sandstorm. The trainer gets separated from his Pokémon in the storm, and when it passes, he starts looking for them.

Now there's 2 ways I imagined this going:

  • The trainer is the one that fights. He goes through all the areas around the desert looking for his pokemon and beating up wild pokemon and humans alike. His pokemon team would basically just be himself.
  • One of the pokemon finds the trainer right away (a Numel), and he sets to find the rest of his team with it.

The goal is simple, find your lost pokemon. That's it.

In either case, the lost pokemon could be just hiding and/or cornered by other pokemon, trapped somewhere, collapsed from hunger/fatigue or stolen by another trainer.

It would not be a long game, I imagine playing it wouldn't take more than 1 hour to beat. Probably not even 30 mins if you're replaying it.

Would probably disable capturing wild pokemon, but allow the player to get the lost pokemon in any order. Much like megaman, some orders could be easier than others.

Could be fun.

If you guys have comments or ideas I'd love to hear them.

The deal about Bitten

Ok, Zach tells me people keep asking him about this, so I'm just gonna make a post here about it.

Bitten's from Singapore, and as he told me, in Singapore every able man has to go through military training for 2-3 weeks each year. That's what Bitten is doing now.

This year Bitten got sent to Thailand, his plane left on the 3rd, and he should be doing push-ups in the mud right now.

So yea, no Bitten for a while. Let's just hope it all goes well for him.

"Fairy Wish Prince"

We keep watching this one too.

"Pokémon Spread"

One of those things Zach links to me that makes us laugh for days.

Meat Cute

Dana and Katie "dressed" as Eve and Meatboy from The Binding of Isaac. Everyone else seemed to be drawing their characters as cute witch girls, but I already have at least 3 characters that are always cute witch girls, so I opted to do something different. Also I'm pretty attached to the game.

Started out as just Dana dressed like Eve(who is more than likely just Isaac wearing a wig and eyeshadow... COSTUMECEPTION). Eventually I got to thinking of how to work Katie into it as well. So I started running through the various familiars you can acquire in the game. The first thought was Sister Maggy, but she, like most of the familiars, is a floating fetus. But then I thought of Meatboy, and Meatboy is the motherfucker. Also he's relatively normal. As normal as a little skinless boy can be, anyway.

The best part about this is that leaving the sketch behind pics I ink digitally actually enhances this one a bit, due to the pen-and-paper menus and such in the game.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Halloween events 2012 - TF2


I gotta be honest, I don't care about TF2's Halloween events. The main reason being most Halloween items are Halloween/full moon restricted anyway, so why bother?


Anyway, this time around there's 2 event maps.

Ghost Fort (koth_lakeside_event)

The real event map is a King of the Hill Lakeside. It's actually fun as when a team captures a point a "wheel of fate" deals a random "curse" to all players. Most classes have new lines for this and the boss that spawns every 3mins, Merasmus, had some really funny lines. 

It's a shame that he's incredibly hard and will not get even under 50% health if both teams aren't fully cooperating and using tons of snipers.

If you do kill him and get to Skull Island, you unlock the Skull Island Topper:


Fucking charming.

Also, There's presents that can spawn on the map for Halloween swag, but i hear that it's player specific, as in only u see them and can pick them up.

Coaltown Event (mvm_coaltown_event)

This is where the zombies come in, They simply replace the robots on a huge giant single wave. There are no specific achievements for this map and really nothing to earn. It's just for the lulz and braggin rights.

This wave is incredibly hard, I've never even gotten through 25% of it so i don't think i can say too much about it aside from it's really really really hard.


I... can't even pretend to care for most of it...

Ok, so there's these random voodoo items that players get as drops (Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot, Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton, Yadda yadda yadda...). When you get 7 you can craft them into a pile and then open it. You get a Voodoo Cursed Zombie Soul, it's a halloween restricted item that makes you look like a zombie.

Also small chance to get a shitty non craftable Halloween cosmetic item and magic potions that I can't really find any info on it only because I haven't looked.


Obviously I care about those deeply.

There's also eerie crates, I'd show you what's in them but I traded mine away like they were covered in plagued urine.

In short, the maps are ok.

Halloween events 2012 - Forsaken World

I haven't posted about FW in a while because the posts for FW don't get good ratings. But me and Bitten do still play it.

This event works exactly like the last Valentine's day one, except, they fucked this one up completely. I'll get into why in a moment.

Duration of the event.

  • Started 26th October.
  • Ends 25th November.
  • How to qualify for the event?
  • Have at least 1 character over level 40.

How to participate?

Possible Prizes.

  • Fenrir Mount
  • Felicity Pet
  • Random level 2 or 3 gems
  • Pumpkin Nox Pet
  • Lord Candle Pet
  • 7 Day VIP Cards
  • Reputation Badges
  • Seashade Orbs
  • Ghastly Flare Gem Boxes
  • Elite Dawn Scrolls
  • Pet Trial Scrolls
  • Star Crystals
  • Medium Pet Essences

Extra Notes.

  • Everything is bound. Which makes this event really bad.
  • You can claim 24 hours after the last time you claimed.

As you can tell, I have issues with this event, and so does most of the community. Sure, free stuff is good, but only if it's relevant. otherwise it's quite frustrating.

How? well here's an example:

Let's say I have 2 characters, 1 has a good mount and the other one has a good pet. I know one of the prizes is a mount and another is a pet, however, they'll be bound. And I won't know what I get til AFTER I pick the character that receives it.

You can see where this is a problem. You can get really good valuable stuff, but it can be stuck on a character that does not need it.

Day 1 of the event had a big issue that led to one of the prizes being removed. Originally the list also had fashion items, and there was immediately an issue with it because female character were getting male fashion (Like Bitten did), Which in itself wouldn't bad if you could sell it, but it was stuck on Bitten's female character.

Their "fix" was to not do anything about it and remove it as a prize.

This is just another episode in the trend of bad decisions and incompetence Perfect World Entertainment has been doing with Forsaken World. I won't get into it, because there's a lot of crap to mention about that.

Even though the event is flawed, It's still worth trying your luck and see what you get. Some of the stuff we got was mildly useful so far.

Meh, might as well keep at it

Against my better judgment, I'll keep posting on the blog. Probably not as often though.

We'll see how it goes.

Edit: I have a question though, on the post I made where I said I was considering quitting, it got a few "do not want" ratings on it, I don't get that.

Did you guys mean you didn't like the post, didn't like me, or didn't want me to quit?

It confused me.

Sentry Rodeo

One of quite a few ideas for a spray featuring Katherine, Tof's female engineer(and possibly Dandie and Dandel's aunt in some other universe) that crops up here from time to time.

Frankly, I thought this was a really good idea. Unfortunately it wasn't what Tof had in mind, so we moved on to other things. It makes material for the blog, at least, right?

Vagina Face

Random girl bat drawn sometime early this year. Fell into obscurity when I got caught up into something even more fruitless, as per usual. Probably not going to elaborate on this... ever. Shame, cause I thought a lot of things I was doing with her were creative. Aw well. Think of it as an exercise in character design.

The Binding of I, Zach

I don't usually post things unrelated to stuff I draw, but felt this was somewhat interesting.

I think I might be too good at this game. Or I just happen to play it either very smart, very cowardly, or some combination of both. But for whatever reason, I've finished the entire game with every character, and I'm only missing a handful of achievements. One of said achievements is the one which unlocks the Pinking Shears, which you get by dying 100 times.

Now, as a result of noticing this, I sorta set a self-imposed personal goal for myself. I want the shears to be the last thing I unlock. Wish me luck.


I did this one a while ago. It was meant to be Disgaea inspired, but it really didn't turn out that way. Or maybe it did? I don't know. I mostly did it in response to the overwhelming feeling that most people are becoming bored of the way I've become accustomed to drawing.

In any case, if you ever wondered what my characters would look like with more... proper shoulders, this is an example of it, I guess. Also chins. I tend to not draw those, either.


I feel like the biggest douche bag in the world right now. I'm a jerk that just completely disregards the feelings of anyone else. It's really not hard to see why I'm not really friends with anyone outside the internet. I'm not a good person. I'm selfish and cold-hearted, and I don't care about anyone else. I'm a horrible person...

I'm no good to anyone in real life, either. I laze around, taking up space, cause I don't have any useful talents and I lack the initiative to try getting a real job. I'm a parasite, leeching off of my parents, who I wouldn't be surprised if they're ashamed of me. I wouldn't blame them. I'd be pretty pissed too if I let such a piece of shit jerkass into the world.

Tof's a saint for being so willing to put up with me...

Considering giving up on the blog

This blog has been my longest running project ever, I've worked on it long and often, but in the end, it feels like I'm the only one that cares about it.

Years ago I invited Zach to post here with me. 1, because he's my best friend. 2, because he has a lot of characters and most have a story behind them. I figured he could use the blog to expand on that if he wanted to and also post stuff the he felt wouldn't fit under. FA or DA.

On the same year I invited Jimmy, who's my oldest online friend whom I have now known for over 10 years. Jimmy is a good artist and spriter, and always supported me when I scribbled and sprited things by giving me critique and suggesting ways to improve it. It motivated me do do stuff. Whenever I had a silly idea for something artsy, he would always help me even if odds wew that we'd be wasting time.

Ages later, I invited Bitten for the same reasons I invited Zach, but very early on it became clear he didnt really want to post at all so I offered myself to post for him.

Jimmy never has free time, but even so, when I talk to him, he'll talk about writting/drawing stuff for the blog, always being supportive.

I've never really liked bugging people for anything, that's just how I was raised. And with Bitten and Zach, I always felt like I had to twist their arm a lil for stuff to post on the blog. Makes me feel like I'm annoying them and I hate feeling that way.

By twist their arm I don't mean asking them to draw stuff specifically for the blog. I would just ask if they'd drawn anything that we'd be able to post on here.

But the general impression I get is that ever after 4 years, it still feels that no one gives 2 shits about this blog, authors and readers alike. I tried to make commenting as easy and simple as I could get, and I'm very grateful to those who did, but lookin at the traffic, most people just don't care to take 1 sec to rate the post which doesn't require any sort of registration.

I mean, is there really a point?

Everything Zach and Bitten post here ends up posted on FA or DA. Actually would just get posted on there directly if I wouldn't go out of my way to nag about posting here. Jimmy can' t post often because of real life and I dont think I can do anything anyone would care about.

I mean, Zach even went and made a tumblr 2 days ago to post pics. Essencially do what this blog was for but on another blogging platform. I was hurt he didn't even tell me about it and I accidentally found out about it. However it's pretty clear this project and all the work I put on it was a waste of time.

As it is, this blog is only contributing to my depression. It meant a lot to me, because I really wanted to make it work, but it really doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't do anything people will care about.

If it's not porn, people don't care.

Ghost Dog

A little thematic something to get into that Halloween spirit. The funny thing is that there is neither a ghost, dog, ghost dog, or dog ghost in this picture.

...Actually, considering what Debbie subsists on, this was probably a bad idea...

An interesting story about deer crossing

deer_signs I believe the following is taken from a radio show and is live call segment. It's either hilarious or depressing to listen to:

"If you know what a deer crossing sign is, you should listen to this."

Why is it depressing? Well, people like that can vote. Just think about that.

Here's a tip about android games

I got an Android device a few months ago, and sprite based games for it are very few, but still, some of them have nice graphics and have stuff I'd like to rip.

I did a tiny bit of research and found out that installation files for android apps are just renamed ZIP files. That's really it.

So I tried unzipping the game I've been playing lately, Kingdom Royale, and sure enough, yea it really is just a zip with all the assets easily accessible in it.

I like the Warcraft 3 vibe i get from the game, so I ripped the units that I unlocked so far in the game:







I could get the rest if anyone wants them.