
TF2's broken, go outside or something.

I think the problems started yesterday, or this morning, not sure, but Valve broke TF2.

Besides ridiculous intentional nerfs (omg i can't believe the pyro got nerfed AGAIN!), Valve's update seems like was meant to prepare for the engy update, and oh dear god cause a horribly hilariously exploited bug: there is no limit to how many buildings engies can build.

I tried it, it's fun for about 5 mins then u worry about getting banned.

So the game is now horribly spammed, and u'd think that's the bad part, oh hell no...

On the top of my head, here's what broke:

The sledgehammer broke, server browser rests setting every single time u open the game, old building scripts don't work, custom HUDs broke, custom models either don't work or were actually deleted, sniper crosshair no longer shake when getting shot at, custom hit sounds don't work, hit flash that indicate which side u getting shot at no longer work, axetinguisher make minicrit sound but dmg is still crit.

Besides these, i suspect a lot of weapons are registering wrong damages or we're all just not used to the huge uncalled for nerfs.

Pyro are now less effective than medics in battle. Valve isn't gonna rest until the game sucks.

so, TF2 wasn't a good option, so i went and tried out Battlefield heroes today:

It's pretty good, i kinda enjoyed it and the leveling up system felt neat. vehicle control seemed horribly hard to get used to but i enjoyed the 3rd person view and running around taking flags.

the main problem is that since the game is free, u can only temporarily buy gear and weapons with points earned (1 or 3 days usually), to permanently own a weapon u have to use other points that u have to pay real cash for. Still, it's not all that expansive and i guess if u do enjoy the game it's a minor detail.

I think i might play this whenever i'm frustrated with TF2, it's more lighthearted in my opinion and thus quite enjoyable.

Metal Slug XX

I pretty much stopped using my PSP completely (btw if anyway know any useful things to do with a PSP besides gaming, let me know), and metal slug nowadays seem to come out directly to consoles, so i barely knew there was a metal slug 7.

According to Wiki, XX is simply the PSP version of 7.

Changes? well, besides Leona being a secret char, i wouldn't know.

If anyone can find higher res art of this game though, let me know, I likes how it looks.

Official site: here (jap)

If anyone played 7, or eventually plays this one, let me know how good it is.

The "homo-genius" videos

I need help, i seriously do.

There's this really long series of videos on youtube called "homo-genius: a history of gay inventors", It has nothing to do with homosexuality, but... i wouldn't really know how to explain wtf it is either, and that's my problem.

A lot of these videos are 4 secs long, and usually show "something" in a fighting game (other kinds of games too though). but, i can't tell for the life of me what it's supposed to be 90% of the time.

I've been a fighting game gamer for 20+ years, i'm very very familiar with a lot of the games they show off, and i get the feeling these videos are made by someone who never played a fighting game and shows extremely common occurrences thinking they're amazing?

These videos fall into a few categories though.

finishing off an enemy that is behind you:

here's an example:

It's quite common in fighting games that attacks don't only hit straight forward, some attacks start behind u, some go overhead, etc. i don't get what's so noteworthy about that particular case.

i think these fall into the same category: #44, #71.

Also similar is when your opponent jumps over you, and walks into your attack from behind you: #50, #70.

Bugs and glitches:

granted, these are more noteworthy:

What i don't get, is why make several videos detailing the same bug, over, and over again.

And then there's the ones i just don't get at all:

really, why?


Player 2 had low life, he got hit first, and lost. Am i missing the point? This is a VERY NORMAL situation.

also under this are: #55, #56, #58, #59, #67, #68, # 69, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #79.

"Ring out":

They have this strange fascination with ring out losses:

Again, it's something very common in fighting games, i don't get it.

yet, they feel compelled to show it to us again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


what is this i don't even...

I can't imagine what's the appeal to those videos or even the reason for them to b uploaded. i really need someone to explain this to me.

I feel that randomly recording 10 secs of anyone playing a fighting game would b equally interesting and obtain the same result.

Never 4get

Dedicated to William "Wild Bill" Overbeck, the old sonnuvabitch who gave his life to raise that bridge.

L4D2 The passing - Verdict

It's horribly short, disappointing, the L4D1 cast barely shows up at all and only has a semi active role on the finale.

Well, it's not that bad, the 2 levels before the finale do have a nice level design. But it really doesn't feel like much, it's just short and all the hype about the L4D1 cast is bullshit. oh yay, 4-5 lines of dialogue, woopie...

Honestly, the entire thing just seemed like an excuse to kill off... the best character in the series..

Why valve... why did u kill my fav character...

In loving memory of:

Bill "No!" McDoesntcare

Sleep well sweet prince, thou shall b missed...

L4D2 update: Oh for the love of....

From the newest blog post from L4D blog:

This is a kind of awkward looking poster, i mean is it just me? 3 of them have their weapon over their shoulder, are we having a peaceful stroll through the park? it's way too much like they're posing for a picture, i mean it's always been like that, but they used to try to look more casual about it and like they were alert for infected, but this is so "BAM! strike a pose!". Look at nick! that's a swimsuit model pose right there!

Anyway, we can conclude a few things:
  • Although the possibility of the fallen survivor being randomly picked still exists, we can b sure Louis will b it either way.
  • Mutation is their word for mods, in the unreal tournament kind of sense.
  • The fallen does turn into a uncommon common infected (thus defeating the point of people being immune or not, good going).
  • Can't play with the good characters (L4D1 cast).
So, in short, I'm starting to already feel let down with this, What's the point of the L4D1 cast being there if they're not playable? so it's just another boring ass L4D2 campaign with bots following u around?

I was hoping to finally b able to play in a larger group killing tons of shit. I just know they're going to find a way to ruin their only good idea.

My 3 main issues with L4D2

This week, the L4D blog says they're gonna release the newest update: "The passing". As of now they even posted the achievements it on their blog.

I gotta say, "The passing" is a strange name for a campaign. Oh well...

From the achievements, and logic itself, I can already conclude this much though. There's been 1 big question about this, "what happens to the survivor that doesn't make it? does he become a uncommon infected?", etc.

Even without the hint on the their blog, it should had been obvious that the fallen survivor wouldn't become an infected seeing as ALL the survivors from both L4D1 and L4D2 are immune, and from the context of the game, that means they can't become common infected. The last achievement mentions a mutant though, and we can all assume that's related to what happens to the fallen survivor.

But this isn't what i'm bloggin for today. Today i'm simply gonna list my 3 biggest problems with this game, which is pretty much a rant really. So here goes:

1- Glue Zombies

This has been a problem I've had with the game since the first one, the fact that just being next to a zombie immediately stops u from moving, I get why it happens, gameplay reasons, but they do not actually grab u, they drunkenly rotate left and right while flailing u with their arms.

I see one of those fuckers doing that next to me and for some magical reason, i can't run away from that? Besides the gameplay reasons, why the fuck not? If they had zombies actually grab you and others doing the attacking, I'd so b fine with that, but the way it is feels incredibly retarded. Kills the imersion everytime.

2- Shoving sure is hard work...

Why? Why is shoving zombies several times in a row so draining and doing full wide swings or a melee weapon not? seriously, have you guys ever swing an axe like the one in the game? that thing is incredibly heavy and will drain u out quick, i could shove with it for far longer though.

They implemented the cooldown on shoving on the first game cause of vs, but it should b enabled only on vs! cause in campaign, and especially in L4D2 (cause of the melee weapons), it makes no fucking sense!

It's really not like shoving even works half the time too, I've had multiple incidents where i shoved a zombie and the fucker just stood there looking at me or even still attacking me. sometimes takes me 3 shoves just to register some sort of reaction on the damn zombie.

3- Wait, what?

The boomer bile.

I could stop there couldn't I? This thing defies any sort of explanation. The way it works is purely gameplay based with no basis on logic whatsoever.

In L4D1, i often questioned the boomer effect, and Zach had this theory that maybe boomer bile reacts with living flesh and only then it attracts a horde. I suspected that was way more thought than the L4D team put into it but agreed it could make sense.

Then L4D2 came, and Whoa... this shit stopped making sense completely. It instantly killed Zach's theory, the damn bile could work on zombies and special infected. So when a boomer vomits on them, why doesn't it trigger anything?

Heck i think that if u throw boomer bile on the fucking ground it'll distract common infected anyway. if the Bile attracts the horde so much, why don't they just rape fucking boomers on sight? so many questions!

The boomer bile is officially an abstract concept, it's effects depend on the user and the target. There's a name for that, magic! that's right, a wizard made boomer bile, that he decides how it works and when it does!

So yea, this week me, Zach and maybe Shigoto we'll b playing the passing, and imma have to put up with this game's stupid shit. I wonder if i should do reviews of campaigns again, no one ever said anything about it so i just stopped.

Now you're cookin!

Pandie anniversary pic by Zach.

Amazing remake and neat app

As i was a kid in France we had an arcade by our house, and even though i wasn't even 8, I'd venture in and I'd see people play stuff like Double Dragon, Street fighter and other games, but there were some guys who used to spend TONS of time on 1 particular game: Toki.

At the time, to me, Toki was a really badass arcade game that required incredible skill. I remember seeing people into the later levels and i would just watch in awe. it's a game that, even though i didn't play it all that much, i liked a lot.

and today i saw this:

And my jaw dropped, This is simply amazing. It's like Pimp my ride expect it's not retarded and it's on a videogame.

Seems that the guys who made this are a french team that seems to enjoy doing pimped out remakes, they're planning Joe & Mac next, and on their site i saw that they're gonna collab with Konjak (amazing spriter and creator of noitu love 1 and 2 among other thing) to make a Wii port of Noitu love 2, now, if it's a direct port or if they're gonna pimp it, I do not know.

on a side note...

Ever wanted to play those java cellphone games on the PC? use this.

I come with an offering of poke-pixels

As some may know, there's this lil sequence in Pokemon Soul Silver where ur character disguises as a team rocket member to infiltrate a station.

This spawned an idea in my head: Why don't they do something different for once and make a game where you play as a team rocket character?

You would still have the collect them all thing, and u could have side missions to raise up the ranks of the team rocket organization. Stuff like theft, sabotage, scams, etc. And after u got to a certain rank, you'd b assigned subordinates, which u can equip with Pokemons of your choice.

I personally think it'd b an awesome idea, sadly, Nintendo isn't going to change the Pokemon formula ever. "It prints money" as it is, so why bother.

On a side note to my friends, my character Pandie's anniversary is on the 17th.

The pixels, the horror and the pixelated horror

Really didn't plan to not post this many days in a row, doesn't help that i always seem to b the only one posting stuffs.

Things been slow, i can't find anything to do with my free time. been wanting to make one of those hentai mini games people have been making for Wario Ware DYI but on Multimedia Fusion 2 to get my gears going, both work almost the same really.

I did the layout for a simple "click and bounce" game in 10 mins, "coding" took 2 mins. Now if only i had an idea or a pic, pfff...

"Joe & Mac Returns" cavegirls

I had the misfortune to play a horrible, HORRIBLE Beats of Rage mod which name i shall not even mention. The spriting and animation are... just not good. The gameplay is the worse one I've ever seen in a BoR mod because enemies don't use normal attacks, they ALL use "throws", which last 5+ secs. there's is little to no flow in this game, it's amazing to me how bad it is.

So the mod relies on a gimmick, and the said gimmick is what's making it popular despite it's incredible poor quality, and that gimmick is that the mod is an adult furry mod. It's kinda sad when u have to rely ENTIRELY on your theme to make the mod interesting. However, even this part wasn't done right.

A lot of people have problems with Furries as it is, but this game includes a LOT more fetishes, which aren't and shouldn't b associated with furries. it includes pregnancy and/or belly inflation (there's both, but they're hard to tell apart), breast inflation and worms coming out of nipples. There's more, but i don't wanna make anyone sick.

The main characters are very obviously hollow inside and made out of rubber on the outside due to all the crap that happens to them, and even in a fantasy setting it just wouldn't b possible. It's painful to watch, it's plainful to play, no one I've shown the game to thought it was appealing to play or watch.

On another note...

This game could so easily become a hentai game with slight tweaks...

For some reason, like an idiot i started ripping sprites from "Joe & Mac returns", why like an idiot? because what i wanted to rip was already available online. I usually always look first but this being a Mame rom i somehow assumed it wouldn't had been ripped.

Speaking of Joe & Mac returns, that game is quite oddly enjoyable, plays a lot like Bubble bobble/Snow bros.

Work in Progress

Don't kill him yet father...I want him. Give him to me.

Coach's Version of the L4D2 intro

Was bored waiting for Zach to show up, so i made this.

Borderlands exploit failure

A while ago i heard form Shigoto that there was an exploit to kill the secret boss in the latest expansion, and so i went and tried it only to see if it worked, tried and failed for 20 mins straight.

However, i got it working at some point, but...

Turns out that the last boss has 6 weak points and does not take damage from ANYWHERE ELSE ON HIS BODY. so i got to the exploit location, and start shooting, and i shit u not, shooting for 10+ mins straight.

So i got to the point on the screenshot and i'm like "oh dear god, don't tell me his last weak spot is somewhere i can't hit from here..." and sure enough, it was.

I thus conclude it is near impossible to solo this boss seeing as the last weak point is on it's back and he'll never turn away from u, and even at level 61, he was srly kicking my ass way too hard. i really don't see this being doable without exploits. one of these days i'll try to get a game going with Zach and Shigoto so we can take him down.

"Team Fortress 2 - Law Abiding Engineer "

This is so god dammed impressive. It's strange to see TF2 characters in a real life setting and how they actually kinda fit in.

Halo Bollywood Movie Trailer

Click pic for link.

What is this i don't even!

Disappointing Blizzard disappoints.

Srly, Blizzard used to come up with really really good and elaborate April fools on all it's sites, and this years was like they forgot except for the Diablo 3 site.

Funny touch how the book is upside down.

The Diablo 3 site actually posted 2 April fools that were kinda neat:

The blanket one is... mildly amusing at best. The voice pack sounds awesome in theory until u hear the samples, only one of those is kinda funny.

Their other sites had no April fools as far as i could tell, i might have missed something on the WoW site, they did post some stuff on April 1st, but it didn't seems funny or a joke at all so I'm gonna assume they forgot. Nothing on the Starcraft 2 site either.

Blizzard ruined April fools for me.

Edit: I'm aware of the WoW "Equipment Potency Equivalence Number" thing, but it's not even remotely amusing.
Edit 2: I think there's supposed to b more April fools from the WoW site, but some people aren't even sure they're meant to b April fools, and that's just bad when people can't tell.


Deviant Art decided to do an April New Years joke on its users this year. I was browsing around at the time and then my icon had changed into Lady Gaga.

Deviant Art changing my icon thinking it would be a funny prank. It's not.

At first I did not know what to make of it. Perhaps my account had been hacked? I doubt it. Anyway I decided to just change it to something new since I do not have the icon any more and then perhaps change my password after that.

As it turns out Deviant Art decided to not allow you to change the icon and decided to post a message of "Team Gaga" in reference to the Twilight Fans calling their loyalty to their favorite characters as "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob". Anyone who has ever been around these fans know these terms because they are VOCAL about it.

So after seeing the change I decided to look around for a place to complain to DA about changing my icon to something else. Because while I do like to listen to Lady Gaga every so often, I am quite fond of my icon, it lets people know who responded to their message without looking at the name. Despite what DeviantArt might think a good portion of it's user reads English as a second language. Anyway, on the main page I saw the poll. It clicked right away.

Now it may seem like I do not like April Fool's stuff online, but that is far from the truth. I adore a good prank, but this is just not good at all. It's like the people at Deviant Art decided to let a 12 year old decided what to do.