

Thought it was hilarious.

This is my bday present from Zach

Yes, this is what he actually sent me, I didn't change this in any way. I'm dead serious.

My best friend trolls the fuck out of me!

There's A Lot of Tags on This Box

That's right! I just managed to use Blogger to make a lame joke about presents! I am THE MASTER.

So I decided to cheese Christmas this year by just doodling one picture for the people that bother talking to me on a daily basis/big contributors for inane things we do/people I didn't forget about, instead of doing them individually. Also you can marvel at my use of Photoshop filters to make it seem as if I spent more than 10 minutes on the "background".

But seriously, happy holidays everyone. :)

TF2: Double drop rate week + key

From today (December 23rd) to my bday (December 30th) is double drop rate week on TF2.

Which, as much as i bitch about valve handling updates like shit, is a nice move for once. Would had been nice if they had done this last week so everyone could had enjoyed a lil more of the new weaponry, but nice all the same.

Miss Pauling has stated her desire to gift each of you with a "stocking stuffer."
Woohoo! Miss Pauling is now my fav TF2 supporting character!

Steam mega sales

Some crazy awesome deals in there...

There's gonna be daily deals, so check back each day.

TF2: Moar crap released.

Ok, Here's what's new:
  • New Heavy Medic and Demoman sets
  • New game mode
  • bunch of random worthless weapons all around
  • REALLY bad hats with possibly only 1 or 2 exceptions
  • Xmas keys
That means the hunt for fucking new items is on again, HOWEVER, since there's new sets, there's one thing i had to check right away:

Er... dispenser taunt? Kinda want.


Valve finally realized how horribly stupid their first sets were, I'm expecting the first sets to have the hats removed from them as well relatively soon.

As for Xmas crates:

Got 5 of those crates to trade so far, interested? let me know.

No, fuck you Valve. Especially because they only got the concept half right:

That crate only drops new stuff, however, it drops ALL the new stuff, which i will now list:
  • Jag
  • Candy Cane
  • Fists of Steel
  • The Back Scratcher
  • The Claidheamohmor
  • Defiant Spartan
  • Detective Noir
  • A Rather Festive Tree
  • Exquisite Rack
  • Buckaroos Hat
  • Prince Tavish's Crown
  • Coupe D'isaster
  • Blighted Beak
  • Madame Dixie
  • German Gonzila
  • Pyromancer's Mask
  • Le Party Phantom
  • Industrial Festivizer
  • Larrikin Robin
  • Or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
Seems that a lot of the new items are from an unoficial update from way way back, well over a year ago i think. These were some of the first hat and weapon mods. All the items are still listed on the wiki page about it.

As anyone can see, a LOT of the items implemented are from that set.

Haven't tried the new medievil mode, but I'm not expecting much out of it.

I gotta b honest, and ask "Why?" those, even at the time, sucked. the only one that is remotely OK is "détective noir" but the fedora is way nicer anyway. It baffles the mind why Valve consistently picks such horrible hats to include in their updates when the continuity hates them.

Much like the past update, the new hats will b popular for a bit, and then horribly drop in value once the "new" factor is gone.

However, the time is ripe for making good trades. Good luck guys.

An interesting read about Starcraft 2

For some reason, I'm always interested in analysis of games and companies who make them, and the good or bad decisions they make that really ruin the game or make it a masterpiece.

I loved Warcraft 3, and used to play it WAY too much. I don't think that in my lifetime I'll get to ever enjoy something as fun and involving as playing a full game of the official Footmen Frenzy.

Warcraft is pretty much dead now, Blizzard/Activision killed it, so my only hope was Startcraft 2 even though I'm not a fan of space themes.

I mentioned in the past that blizzard is selling us (europeans) Starcraft 2 for 72 dollars or so. (and that their tech support is disorganized as fuck.)

I still planned on getting it eventually.

But today i ran into this: 2.0: The Antithesis of Consumer Confidence

I didn't know of lot of the facts listed in that article, and about how fucking awful 2.0 was. This literally nullifies my interest in the game, there's literally no reason I'd want to play it now.

It's kind of amazing: You got this great game, it looks awesome and plays well, but you won't let people enjoy it as they want to, so what's the use?

I guess it's better I found out about it now then after purchasing it though.

Killing Floor event and Steam's treasure hunt.

I've been thinking about killing floor lately, but haven't seen much of a point to play it by myself with strangers.

Then today, saw this:

It does feel lately that the best way for valve to sell games is to give u a TF2 hat for it. but the insane thing is, it works.

However it's nice to see new stuff on Killing Floor, if it just had a nice art style, it'd b a way more popular game.

As you guys may know, right now steam is doing a treasure hunt thing where if u complete objectives you can earn TF2 hats (big surprise) and be eligible to b one of the 20 people that will win the top 5 games in their wishlist every 2 days.

But there's more, if u complete 10 objectives, you're eligible to win 100 games on Steam.

Treasure hunt info:

To be noted, it's sort of a dick move that some of those objectives require you to own games to get them, but heh, i guess that's OK.

I Love Old Stuff.

How come there isn't a videogame starring Billy Idol doing lighting pelvic thrusts at zombies yet?

Billy Idol. Always Win.

Opening of the new oekaki

Ok, There's the new Oekaki, i set up a button for it on the side.

What's different? honestly not much.
  • The new Oekaki does have a theme matching the blog.
  • We'll features a "suggested theme" that we'll change every once in a while.
It's on a free server, speed and uptime may be inconsistent, so we'll see how good it works out as time goes.

Finally something good on my TV

We don't get NBC or TBS in portugal, however one of our TV stations broadcasted Conan's show and it's one of the few things i liked watching on TV.

So when Conan left the tonight show, i didn't think I'd get to watch him on TV anymore cause if he got a new show on another company our TV station prolly wouldn't purchase the rights for it.

Thankfully, I've been known to b wrong, and saw his show on Portuguese TV just a bit ago. God damn i missed it.

His facial hair still feels weird to me.

On a side note:

I'm setting up a new Oekaki on a server that for once is not my computer, so it should have better up time than me. It can be a slow server, but it was free and has no limits.

It'll be a lil trial of sorts, but i really hope this one works out and becomes a tad more popular.

If there's any pics u want to save from the current Oekaki, better do it now.

RIP Leslie Nielsen

As Zach got on today, he told me that Leslie Nielsen had passed away.

At first i was like "Dammit, another celebrity i liked".

But as the day goes by, I'm starting to realize how many of his movies I actually really really liked.

From the airplane movies, to naked gun movies, the police squad show, spy hard, wrongfully accused, among other movies that i really like.

He's easily in more than half of the movies i like to re-watch every now and then. And unlike other celebrity deaths, I'm actually bummed by his death.

Games that play themselves

This is honestly a odd "fad" nowadays, has gaming sunk this low?

Now you might b thinking "Oh but Tof, this is just a Kinect game, and those suck anyway. Also yiff in hell furfag!".

That's true, but regular gaming is affected too:

I hate to b that old guy that bitches about everything, but gaming nowadays sucks horribly.

Steam has a thing right now where 30 random people a day get the top 5 games on their wishlist, so i go and make one, and i realize "oh god, there's NOTHING i want!"

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing i want on Steam, i still would like Starcraft 2, but money's tight. Those sales on steam have been VERY tempting though.

Steam sales! finally!

I admit i've been waiting on this:

There's going to be daily sales on steam for a week, more or less.

What i didn't expect was those huge pack deals, i mean, 10 copies of HL2 for 20 bucks? damn son. (Also if anyone buys that can i get one?)

Steam is also gonna do this thing where 30 people a day will get the top 5 items on their wish list.

Guys, keep on eye out for steam, might b worth it.

Poker Night: Heavy's "funny" story

I gotta say, Poker night is actually a nice change of pace. was totally worth it's price and is providing me with hours of fun.

I think i almost looped through all the dialogue though, but that's to b expected. Still as poker games go this is a really well made one.

Here's the already famous "engi story":

The main appeal is to hear about the characters, for me, specifically about the heavy, and man i was a lil surprised there.

What's the point?

The other day i was on and they had a countdown timer to the release of their latest video, down to the seconds.

Waiting til the time ran out, and then, nothing happened. only a hour or so later did the damn thing got online.

In a similar way, Poker Night at the Inventory is supposed to come out today, 5 hours ago it said it'd b out in 3 hours.

Not surprisingly, am still waiting for the damn thing to b online. even been dicking around and found the link to make steam install the app (steam://install/31289) but there's no files to install yet.

Why do motherfuckers do countdowns they can't keep? honestly!

Looks Like An Ice Cream Accident

...Not that I'm complaining. For some reason, that one image of young Lady Like (I guess she was just Like back then) where she's ecstatically consuming a sundae leads me to believe that not only does she have a bit of a sweet tooth, but she's also somewhat ... overweight.

...Don't tell her I said that, though.

Finally! poker night release date announced

It was actually announced a few days ago, but on the Telltale blog. So most people still dunno about it.

Anyway, you can expect poker night at the inventory to become available on November 22nd, aka, Monday.

Darn cheating browser

I mentioned the Acid 3 test to a friend today and ended up looking for information on it on the wiki page, and found some intresting info:

In May and June, Google Chrome 2.0 and Opera Mobile 9.7 beta displayed a score of 100/100, but did not actually pass; release versions of these browsers passed fully later in the year. Security concerns over downloadable fonts delayed Chrome from passing.

As naive of me as it seems, it never occurred to me that the score on the test could not be accurate.

Based on Acid 3 i always considered Chrome to b an accurate browser, however, it always seemed to fuck up the layout work i do royally.

But then, if u scroll down the wiki page, there's something odd.

It lists all 4 browsers that passed the Acid 3 test so far, however, Chrome is marked as "dubious".

I am currently making a new blog and Wiki skin, and both show differently on Firefox (which is what i use to develop it) and on Chrome. So i decide to download Opera which is confirmed to have passed the Acid 3 test as well.

The result? it's nothing like Chrome. It's actually almost dead on like Firefox (which gets 94% at the test). Even IE looks closer to what it's suposed to be than Chrome. Chrome's "real" score might actually be way bellow 90%.

I'm suspecting Chrome just has specific coding in it to "pass" the Acid 3 test so the browser would get a good rep, which in honesty would be a really clever plan.

I'm officially no longer making my layouts support Chrome at all, I am pissed for having wasted so many hours, days even, trying to get a layout to show up properly on Firefox IE and Chrome when Chrome, who was supposed to be the accurate one, displayed everything all over the place like a drunken retard.

He never knew what hit him

Subtle... It's very subtle, but very clever.

Some of ya may not get it, even if you play the game.

Game review: TrackMania Nations Forever

"What the hell is he reviewing?" is probably what you're asking.

Well, a while back i took it upon myself to try out a lot of the free games that are available on Steam. A lot of them were quite bad, some were Ok, 1 was actually a lot of fun for me though.

Admire my lazy ass paint job with the "cox" logo in the back!

TrackMania Nations Forever - Steamstore page

What's it about?

It's a car racing game, however, most of the time you race against the clock.

Why is it fun?

The controls are just so sweet it's a pleasure to drive. quite easy to pick up and play, yet hard to master.

Them slopes can be tricky i tells ya!

Don't b fooled by the looks of the game too much (cause it sure fooled me a lot), this is a very arcade like game, It's very fast and yet easy to drive.

And to keep frustration to minimum, there's even an instantly retry button. And by instant, i do mean instant, it's like a freakin save state.

It's not as bad as u think, but for the one on the right, it's worse than you think.

Another fun part of this game is the really crazy and original tracks which add to both the challenge and the fun. Even though some simply aren't sane and make take the better part of 30mins to beat.

Tracks have different types, such as obstacle, race, acrobatic, endurance, speed. Each requires a diferent skill to b able to beat. I beleive there are 65 tracks or so total.

So if it's so good why is it free?

Because there's another version with even more content.

Promote a game with a game, i guess that works.

Although the game is actually really big, plays nice, has multiplayer (which i haven't tried) and has a track editor, It's meant to get u to buy the more complete version which has more stuff including more cars and more game modes.

In short, this is meant to promote the other game.

As a side note, it seems that version came out for the Wii and the 3DS i think, there's some ad ingame about it.

The joys of driving in a straight line, a rare event in this type of track.


I guess some people don't like arcade like racing games, i normally don't like racing games but this was really fun. the graphics are nice and simple, subtle yet tasteful lighting makes it enjoyable to look at and the soundtrack keeps u pumped up to play the game.

This is totally a DO WANT game. You should at least try it before dismissing it as another racing game because you might be surprised.

It reminded me a lot of Moto Racer 1, which i loved cause of the simplicity and cause i almost never had to let go of the gas.

Capcom + SNK

This has been on my mind for a long time now. I've always wondered what it would be like if CAPCOM and SNK did what Marvel and DC did when they were struggling, merge their worlds together. What kind of characters would we get? I have been toying with the idea in my sketchbook for a while now, and these are just a few early designs that I have transferred digitally sketch-wise. Of these three I only like the Chris Redfield + Ralf Jones hybrid. Though thinking about it now naming him Chris Jones would give him a porn name...which could be better. XD

Sengoku Razz

Missing from this pic: needlessly complicated smiley face pattern on her kimono.

While Gary's affection for Razz isn't based on shallow things like her appearance or wealth, I figured I'd have his personal vision of Razz be overtly attractive, just to represent how much he likes her. See also: Boa Hancock's pretty-boy Luffy vision.


While failing to think of what to type for this, I realize I could totally use Devil Frog for Tink and it'd still make sense.

Funniest thing I've seen on 4chan in ages

Me and Zach laughed for 5 mins straight, I fell off my chair.

Dusty Wii and RPG nostalgia

For about a week now, it's been on my mind that I haven't really used my Wii in well over 6 months, i don't really look for games to play on it and i havent heard of anything that great for the Wii either.

There was "Metroid: Other M" a while back, which i heard was annoying cause of the characterization of Samus. And really it just strikes me as a FPS game so i didn't care for it.

Watched Spoony's D&D unboxing Video the other day, And whenever someone starts talking about clerics, rangers and paladins, I have this urge to play as one of those having adventures in dungeons and fighting monsters.

I fucking love those settings.

I was bored.

However no such game seems to exists.

I tried D&D online since the game is free, but it turns out to b a ugly version of WoW with worse controls. Seriously don't recomend it.

Tried getting back to Ragnarok online, but let's not speak of that.

Really wish there was some game i could sink some hours in.

If anyone has good Wii games to recommend or games for PC in a medieval setting, please do.

Sweet day

Today is a good day, why? well i'll tell ya.

2 days ago, my ISP was down for 50 mins, and while it was down, I randomly decided to dick around with my modem settings and found the port forwarding options, which were oddly hidden.

As a result, I got the Oekaki is back up. Which is good cause i was lazy about removing the button on the side.

Another reason today is good is cause i thought another of my cats went missing (would had been 7th one this year) but turns out he took a day off.

Yet another reason today is great is because i made a rather awesome deal in TF2, as shown bellow:

Yes, i got a Vintage Kabuto hat for 7 weapons. I'm that awesome. I'm thinking of lending it to Zach if he likes it.

Kinda sucks that Zach currently can't play TF2 cause his connection drops if he tries. So I've been getting items AND hats that we both need/want by myself. And doing a damn good job at that.

Speaking of TF2, According to the TF2 Blog, If you pre-purchase "Poker Night at the Inventory", You automatically get 1 hat for the heavy and when the game is online you can earn 5 more items for TF2.

I wouldn't normally consider it, but the game is really really cheap.

And still on the subject of TF2, I submitted my 2nd model to the TF2 "contribute" site:

It's a misc slot pipe for the Spy. I suggested that it'd b used for the medic and sniper as well, but i don't think it will be done.

Simply because for the spy, it's easy, he has bones already there cause of his cigarette. The other classes have nothing to attach it to.

Good day indeed.

"You are already fainted"

It's a spur of the moment thing, but I still kinda like how this one turned out.

TF2: 2nd Halloween update

In Short:

  • 50% off the game
Always nice
  • Boss
Ai controled, it's the guy in the pic. chases you around with a giant axe at scout speed and 1 shots anyone.
  • New achivements
Pretty much like last year, some of them earn you the new items.
  • New lvl4 metal
Dropped by boss, used to craft all the new items, but limited to 1
  • New hats
The boss head and the paper bag masks are event based. The others are available in the store and you can craft one of 2 of them, but it's random so u don't get to pick which one.
  • New weapon
You can use the metal to make the Boss' axe for the demoman. Stat and effect wise, it's the Eyelander, just looks different.

Refer to the TF2 Wiki for the recipes.

Couple of things

As I hinted before, I was working on a TF2 hat, yesterday i finished it

I've submitted it to Valve as "The Buffoon's Bells", Although if it does get picked, they might change the name.

I'm looking for ideas for another hat to make, if anyone has good ones let me know.

If anyone's intrested in seeing how that hat looks ingame, i made a gibus replacement version of it and i can upload it on my next post if someone's interested.

On a sidenote, Skype sent me this email about their new version today, which i fixed.

The video feature on Skype always uses the latest Direct X version, in the case of Skype 5, it uses Direct X 11.

In fact if you're using XP, you're losing features with this new version, it's a direct downgrade.

I can understand games using the latest direct X, but a chat app? It's not like it does anything amazing or unheard of either.

Soul Reaving Samurai

I don't think I'll ever get tired of how easily Gary can pass himself off as a reference to some other character due to his generic design.

Oekaki is down indefinitely

Cable guy came by to upgrade my connection and he replaced the modem. It's a fancy ass wireless modem that acts like a router too, and i don't know how to get around it to host stuff.

As an apology for the Oekaki being down, have a funny video:

Pumpy loves naked girls

...but he's not very smart nor tactical about it.

Finally done collecting the new crap

It took a long time, but I'm finally done getting all the new items with the obvious exception of the set hats.

Said hats are a big issue on the steam forums right now.

If you don't know, with the last TF2 update, Valve fucked up, again, and created the concept of sets. In a FPS, giving players a stat boost for using a specific loadout seems unnecessary unless you want to openly admit these new weapons suck, which I'm assuming they don't.

The "no limit to buildings" bug briefly came back yesterday

And to me, the entire problem is the concept of set bonuses.

But to others, the problem is the fact that those sets include a hat to b complete, a hat that, by itself has no stats, but with the other items magically provides some. So in a way, the hats provide stats, and thus, affect gaming, and thus, should b made available easily.

Since this makes perfect sense, Valve thought otherwise.

I've made a topic on the steam forums explaining how insane the cost of the new items was and how crafting any of the new items is totally unrealistic: here.

In short, it should take 52 weeks, 1 year, to save items to craft all of the new hats. hats which affect gameplay.

Another guy made a similar topic here addressing that issue along with some other ones.

I love freezecams like this.

Valve has done some incredibly poor choices when it comes to TF2 (DROP SYSTEM!), but this might have been the last straw seeing as it involves money. They can't easily go back on the set bonuses without having people who bought it in the shop being horribly pissed.

But honestly, these people are a minority, and they obviously have the money to spend so i don't feel sorry for the at all, some of them even brag on having tons of money.

It'd b nice to b able to enjoy an update without valve implementing an annoying MMORPG element into the game to make it less and less enjoyable.

On a side note: Useful link if you're thinking about painting a hat.


This is a song about optimists, and how stupid you are for being one.

Booty Juggler

What's up people. Between the little breaks when the kids are playing outside, I am usually playing a little flash game of some sort if I am not doodling in my pad. This one is one of my current favorites because it is so simple, has some excellent art, and music that just sticks in your head. Have a go at it!

This Just In: Spider-Man in Cahoots With Hookers and Midgets!

I always get conflicted about mature filters whenever I post a picture involving Felicia, what with her being completely naked 99% of the time...

These three are no strangers to being in front of a camera. You'd almost think there was some sort of theme behind this group, other than me liking all of them.

...But there is not. Also. That background. I totally cheated and grabbed a screenshot off Google. And the lighting...well, cameras DO flash, you know. Just sayin'.