
This week's webcomic review is short.

Because this week, none other could top Menage a 3....

This, is, the, shit.

It's win, it really needs no more comments.

The King of Fighters

Hi folks, your friendly neighborhood Tentacle Bard here.
First, I bring you some of the sexiest sprites known to humankind, KoF12. Oh man look at those frames, I'm getting horny just looking at it.

Not shown are the following characters:
It's a real shame no Shiranui is present. Real bouncing ninja boobies will just have to wait.

For those of you who are going to bitch and whine about the game breaking continuity (It's a fighting game for goodness sake and it was already broken since KoF 94) there is: KoF 2002 Unlimited Match with its dumb Ash story arc.

UPDATE!I've noticed that the art is much better now since Hiroaki is doing it. You might recognize his art from KoF EX2, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, or Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition. While he's not Shinkiro, I do prefer his art over Nona or Falcoon any time and any day. Especially Falcoon, his ass should be fired by now.

And here is the new Kyo clone, unimaginatively named "Nameless". Seriously? Nameless? You could have called him Ultra Gay Lite Kyo or something. Well, it could be something really bad like Magaki Junior or even worst an Ash clone, but I will just call him Crappy 4.0.

My country needs to be ashamed...

The funny thing is, that never occurred to me until now.

In the behalf of my country, i apologize to all gamers around the world for the fact that we're responsible for Brazil's existence.

SquareEnix Hatin'

We all love squareenix and I, Jimmy, bring to you an exclusive interview with President Yoichi Wada of SquareEnix. Good times. Good times. Speaking of which, Chrono Trigger came out on the DS, and if you young whippersnappers want to see what Square used to be like, check it out.

I touch K-ToF when everyone is looking...


A bunch of u may have noticed, but i'll mention anyway that egoraptor made a new "awesome" flash movie, check it out, i laughed my ass off at the mindlessness. Clicky the pic to see it.

Also, don't forget to find the easter egg. ^^

Also yes, I'm stealing the posting style layout jimmy used, it just looks nicer this way. Been trying to squeeze in too much in small posts, need to use more space for a cleaner feel.

I touch myself when no one's looking...

Prince of Persia

Now some of you may not like the Prince of Persia series, but Ubisoft did a damn fine job at creating a flash intro for the new Prince of Persia game. Normally people just skip the intro shit, but this is worth watching. WATCH IT.

Please post your thoughts, critiques, and comments about the intro.

It's Lord of the Ring-ish...


For those of you who do not know me, I'm a huge fan of traditional animation. While the new 3d CG ones from Pixar, Dreamworks Animation (Kung Fu Panda), and Walt Disney Animation Studios (Bolt) are fun to watch, there's something inherently more compelling about traditional works such as hand 2d animation and stop motion. I personally think that because of time constraints on drawing and stop motion it gives writers more time to flesh out and make the story that much better, but that is not always the case (just pick any pokemon movie).

I'm excited as I recently found out that Henry Selick (the director of Nightmare before Christmas and James and The Giant Peach) is finally bringing us a new stop motion film, Coraline (that's right Coraline, not Caroline). I have been anticipating for this one for a VERY long time, ever since it's announcement years ago. None of you probably read the book by Neil Gaiman that it is based on so you can check that out as well. Currently it is schedule to release on February 6, 2009.


Cat Tats.

Quite a few of you guys should b familiar with Noise, a jap artist that has a whole site full with his Felicia doodles, he seems to have grown bored of her for the past few years so he rarely updates anymore.

Out of randomness, i checked the site, and damn, he drew a huge wallpaper sized Felicia pic, and his art/coloring seems to have improved too, i guess he's been involved in some doujins lately.

Click the pic for the fullsized thing, i cropped it cause even though technically it's save for work, it's still pretty hot for it.

Another site i haven't been checking as much is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged, their updates have been slow as well, but seems they made episode 31 and a lil music video. didn't care much for the music video, but episode 31 was ok.

Weekly webcomic review.

Instead of kinda spamming lil posts about webcomics during the week, i decided to just do it during the weekend.

Kinda surprised Awkward Zombie didn't update, but i read on the site Katie's doing college applications or something, so i kinda hope it works out for her.

F@nboy$ did 2 comics since i last checked it, the first is really awesome, i really makes u wanna shout out "WOO!", the 2nd comic was kinda ok, but, maybe too long, i know there's no dialogue, but it feels damn long setup for such a simple joke, i did like the reference to that creepy moon, but i didn't like how it looks in the comic, not creepy enough.

I rarely mention Penny Arcade, cause a lot of the time the comic seems more like inside jokes that u have to read a long boring comment to understand, but the simplest ones are kinda cool, i think this one here is worth looking at.

I haven't mentioned DrMcNinja in a while cause i couldn't see where the story was going and there really wasn't much to comment about, but it's finally been explained that the Doc and Gordito were helping Marty getting rid of the Robster by trying to make him think Marty had crazy mind powers, that much most of us could had guessed it. then the Robster gives Marty an ultimatum, and we're given given insight on how Marty has been misunderstood and basically poorly treated his whole life. I like that he thinks of Gordito just for that simple comment on his commercial. It was sort of expected that Marty would snap, but is it me or is Marty a lil bigger than he normally would b? I do like that the artist didn't do the Hulk bullshit that the tiny pants turn into shorts, there never was logic behind that. Although I'm not too crazy about the idea of a dangling giant purple dong, it still makes sense. The rampaging Marty makes me wonder if it was really worth putting up this charade to begin with, but I'm gonna assume he went "super saiyan"ogre style because his friends were in danger. Really is hard to predict anything in this comic, looking forward to what happens next.

VGcats updated the super effective subsection with 2 comics, but one's really just an intro panel to the later comic, which i liked, all this "i believe in you" shit ALWAYS makes me think of Pokemon and is so cheesy. i just like when someone makes fun of it.

Ok so i totally didn't see this coming from menage a 3, even though there's a heavy sexual theme to the comic, that's like something i'd do, er... i mean... someone i know would do that! (nice save) Zii seems more and more like a guy, and frighteningly, like ToF would b as a girl. Gay guys can get away with anything, i mean, seriously, that's the lesson there. That and Harry Potter porn sounds pretty funny.

The new NerfNow arc doesn't look like it'll b about TF2 afterall, either that or a crossover, not sure I'm interested so meh.

Now presenting: a new feature.

Worked my ass off to get this working:

So drop by the Oekaki and doodle something nice. ^^

The links section to the left was reworked, simplified and organized by member.

Also in the news, it seems there it may b possible Zach gets internet back at his house on Tuesday. I really don't want to get my hopes up on this, but this could be the best news i had all year.

Hip hip, cheers ol chap.

All 3 of us have the pic, and none remembered to post it.

All 3 of use as snobby brits, it's pretty spiffy. Zach doodled that like a week ago while we were toying with profile ideas.

Haven't been able to follow webcomics as much as i used to, checked Menage a 3 today, won't comment on all the comics, but i kinda liked this one in particular. It seems quite strange that those who's nights started out really bad/depressing ended up well and happy, and the whore who had a wild night seemed to feel empty and bummed.

Morning after, not much to say there except that i totally saw coming that Zii doesn't have a job. Nice peps seem to have trouble getting jobs somehow.

NerfNow did a dead space comic i think, i never played it, and neither did a lot of the people that visit the site, so it wasn't very well received. So Jo started a new TF2 arc with the pyro, sniper gal, and a shitload of useless extra snipers and 1 spy AS an enemy sniper. Games like that never end well, if a team has more than 2 snipers, it's doing it wrong, it's gonna b impossible for the pyro to do anything, i am curious how this will turn out.

Oh! and hey, VGcats updated! Truth b said, that's kinda dark, but i still found it funny.

Viewtiful Joe Get!

Well, with all the notable Capcom and crossover hate here lately, I feel sorta weird bringing this up, but I'm SUPER STOKED to see Joe finally appear in a traditional fighting game.

The really sad thing is this is one of those games(I'd totally buy it just for Joe. Dead serious) that'll never see the light of day in the states because it's so damn obscure. Truth be told, I think if they said all the Tatsunoko characters were from G-Force, people'd buy it cause they all look the damn same.

On a side note, I think the Team Rocket Devil Lady has the same voice actress as Mihoshi and Lady Like.

Still on the subject of crossovers

Now, i got a couple of responses on the previous rant, as i wanna clear up i don't hate ALL crossovers, one of my fav game series, The King of Fighters, is in fact, a cross over between Art of fighting, Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors and Psycho Soldiers among others such as misc sports games by SNK.

But the thing is, it's plausible. although dates had to b slightly adjusted (Jimmy tells me Art of fighting takes place some years before Fatal Fury), all the characters exist in the same world and timeline, and all have fighting capabilities. their power levels are also similar. Also, all the characters are in character, which rarely happens in crossovers.

Another notable crossover is Smash Bros, only because it didn't try to go with a bullshit story, it was rather clever. When u play the N64 version of the game, the characters as presented as toys that a kid is playing around with, and the battles supposedly take place in his imagination. Rather than to make up a story that involves character than have nothing in common, they just said it's was all in a kid's mind. quite brilliant really. This was later on replaced in the series with trophies and some weird story, but it's fair to assume it's still all happens in a child's imagination. (i haven't played brawl, so if it doesn't, they're fucked it up, but it would explain why sonic got in it)

So what make a bad crossover bad u say? well, the best best to explain is to critique one, a really stupid one, and there's recent game that fits this description PERFECTLY. I'm obviously talking about the steaming pile of shit that is: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

When this game was announced, people actually screeched, literally. Everything with this game is wrong. but let's see why:
  • This game involves 2 universes that have not a goddamn thing in common, DC itself is like various universes that aren't always comparable to each other.
  • The power levels of characters is absurdly different. Superman should easily pwn anyone in that game, however, even simple punches can harm a guy who u could through a tank at and it wouldn't even mess up his hair. How would, like, Sonya blade, a regular human, defeat superman? fuck you game.
  • They actually tried to make a story. there really isn't much to say about that, however, I'm confused by 1 thing, MK has humans from earth in it, so why are they fighting for outworld? shouldn't they join the DC cast? IF there is an alternate earth where the humans from the MK cast come from, why would the outworld guys join them? whatever bullshit they came up with, it's fail.
  • As I've been pointed out, a lot of the superheroes don't kill. And this is a fucking mortal kombat game, so being in character is gone out the window.
This game made ALL the things that make a crossover shitty. but that aside, i wanna bash it some more, because it's not even a good game, i mean if u look at a couple of videos, u may think that the joker is actually pretty cool and make the game worth it just by himself.

But then u see shit like this video, and u see 2 things game designers are totally doing wrong these days.
  • Give a game with cartoon physics a realistic look. i mean, make up ur fucking mind, things have to match, that's what TF2 showed the industry and no one fucking learned from it. Either make it look cartoony and give it toon physics, or make it realistic and give it realistic physics, or half toony looks and physics, don't just do the fucking complete oposite! u'll only make the characters look like ragdolls!
  • The physics in MK are HORRID, after like, what? 10 years? the mid air kicks still look like the character is sitting on a chair, this made sense back in the 2d game cause that's WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DID! but all punches and kicks are incredibly badly performed and have no weight behind them, Sonya's kicking upwards move is like a fucking joke, seriously looks like something someone would make in poser on his first try, all the moves in this entire game look and feel like SHIT! there is no effort at all to make this game look decent. it's like picking up dolls and wiggling them around in the air.
Has u might have noticed from the previous video, Catwoman ripped out part of Sonya's top, and that all the females in the game have a huge rack. i guess their marketing strategy is hormones.

Also, These 2 idiots should never be allowed to work in the gaming industry ever again, they pretty much made the game suck intentionally. they gave this game the incredibly shitty feel MK games always had.

I still would like to try this game just cause of the Joker.

"Crossover: the game"

Much like i call Shadow of the colossus as "Boss battle: the game" because that seems the main concept behind it, Cross Edge would easily b called "Crossover: the game" and that might b what Cross in the title stands for.

Why? well (duh), because that seems to the main concept behind it. i mean look at the series this game will get characters from:
  • Atelier Marie characters
  • Mana-Khemia 2 characters
  • Darkstalkers characters
  • Disgaea characters
  • Ar Tonelico characters
  • Spectral Souls characters
  • Blazing Souls characters
I don't even know half of those, but the developers are: Capcom, Nippon Ichi, Namco Bandai, Gust, And Idea Factory

I've never seen such a thing, so many companies and series mixed up together. I'm surprised they didn't get Sammy's Guilty Gear characters in there as well, or maybe they asked and Sammy was wise enough to say "fuck off".

I think everyone knows my feelings about crossovers, they blow ass. The sheer concept is offensive to me, talking 2 different worlds and mixing them together isn't fun or interesting, it's destroying both of them!

Capcom Always loved doing this, mixing shit like the blandest main character ever (Ryu) with people like fucking Apocalypse from X-men, what happens? huge festering amount of bullshit! for the sake of gameplay, characters that should stand no chance against another one (like say, megaman VS magneto, magneto would literally tear megaman apart.) the "lore", so to speak, is shot out of the window and we get to see stuff that makes no fucking sense!

Like the video Jimmy pointed out. videogame logic is fucked up as it is, sometimes it's hard for it to make sense in it's own universe. When u mix several together, fuck it!

When all of the X-men in their universe have trouble dealing with magneto but u can throw in a sumo wrestler and he can beat the crap out of magneto, u know your doing something stupid and wrong!

The reason i hate my job: the diagram.

I've decided to explain the circus that my job has been:

For the first month i was stuck in spot 1, which isn't an actual spot intended to have people in because EVERYONE bumped into me seeing as the bathroom is in the top right.

After the first month, edged crap over to move my lappy to spot 2, barely any better, and was awkward with leg room, but still, a lil better. Everyone and their gramma can see my screen though and that makes me uncomfortable even when I'm working.

Early this month the guy in spot 3 left, and i immediately asked to move there, i was finally a bit happier since while not having anything to do, i could at least not catch cold wind from the back and had much less people looking at my screen, made me a lot more comfortable.

A few days later they assigned the guy to teach me how to code. so i moved to spot 4 which is a fantastic spot and best location for the guy to teach me.

Then, this week, it all went to hell again.

The guy in workstation at spot 5 wasn't using his computer, so i got his, but instead of taking his computer and setting it up on my location (like there was on there originally), boss moved me ACROSS the guy that was supposed to help me. that's a terrible location as i found out yesterday. and note I'm the only one still using a fucked up blue chair that hurts ur ass and thighs, but that location forced me to work with my body facing to the right, cause of the leg room, but the torso facing the left, cause that's where the monitor is and it has to b there so i can turn it around to the guy that's teaching me so he can debug my stuff, which has been hard as fuck anyways.

After the whole morning in that awkward position, i put myself against the wall and used a broken chair to support my legs, thus part my weight making it less painful (all the other blue chairs are broken and we use them for foot support since we work on those very high chairs). I couldn't lead back on the chair at all cause it'd either break or fall back.

So I'm finally working somewhat comfortable while completely isolated. boss walks in, doesn't want me to have my legs on the chair, sucked, but fair enough. He later walks in and asks how's the coding. seeing as it's my first day coding, and people are just telling me to look for code and copy paste it around (and i have no idea where to get such code), and I'm getting fuckloads of errors even the veterans can't help me fix, i replied "bad" with an intended "DUH!" tone to it, i mean the first day with little help, what did he expect? he seemed to not like the reply, but at this point i was seriously depressed and really fighting back the urge to cry.

Yes, i was that depressed and uncomfortable.

A bit later he walks in again and doesn't want me to lean against the wall, and that just ticked me off, i mean, why did he move me from spot 4 then? the guy in spot 5 before me was working "ok" cause he wasn't sitting directly in front of it, he was sitting between spot 5 and 6 on his lappy.

There's no minimally comfortable way to work that way. Before i left work boss tells me tomorrow i move to spot 6 and that he wanted me more awake. that just stabbed me, i finally start to work and make an effort, a shitload of stuff depressed me a lot, but awake i have been. that fucker confuses depression with being sleepy. i barely managed to reply "ok..." and left.

I took the morning off today cause my intestines are bothering me a lil. But i feel as I'm on the end of my rope, these people are making a ERP all on M$ crap, they fuck up each others modules all the time, it's unstable and months of work barely produce anything, the language is unnecessary hard as hell, takes easily way too long to compile even on dual core computers and no one really works well with it. let alone me having to learn with little to no help. i think about quitting every single day.

I don't see this company going very far to b honest.

"Sorry!" - Capcom

Next to Square Enix Holdings Final Fantasy Is Our Only Game Co. LTD, Capcom is well known for whoring out their franchise. Come on Capcom! How many times must we endure seeing Ryu's gay sexual frustration with the entire male cast of Street Fighter? Even Dr. Wiley is tired of this shit.

Work sucks again.

I was moved spot again at work today, I'm being watched again... god fucking dammit...

Races of ShinDig! : Demons


In the world of ShinDig!, demons are the least civilized race. Most gremlins say that demons are "just barely not beasts", since they tend to live out in the open and often engage in fights for dominancy over one another. They exist without technology, usually(some demons have decided to live lives more akin to goblins or gremlins by adapting to their culture).

Demons are solitary and nomadic by nature, never staying in one place for long, usually. They are a warrior race, with astounding combat ability that would theoretically allow them to dominate the world, if they were so inclined to do so. It's normal for demons to engage in friendly sparring matches with eachother. Some of the other races look down on them for this barbaric activity.

Physically, demons are bright in color and have horns. They also boast being the most physically diverse race, as, aside from horns and bright skin color, demons have a large pool of physical traits that varies with each one. Some have gills, wings, or tails, and some do not. Some have multiple limbs or extra fingers. To top it off, demons have startling longevity, and can live upwards of 1000 years.

Demons, though unintelligent, typically possess latent psychic abilities or powers that can only be described as "magic", for lack of a proper scientific term for the phenomena. Demons are born grey, until their abilities set in. Their bright coloring typically coresponds to their abilities, and the strength of those abilities can generally be gauged by the size of their horns.

Being solitary creatures, demons don't really develop lasting relationships, and have a somewhat strict period for mating that differs from demon to demon. To ensure the future of their race, when female demons feel the time is upon them(which is supposedly proportionate to their lifetime), they ritualistically head to particular areas, usually where they were born themselves, and form small gatherings. After this time is over, demons settle back into their primitive lives.

Of the civilized races in ShinDig!, demons are the least civilized and intelligent, but the most powerful in terms of physical ability. Some demons do transcend this paradigm, though, and work alongside gremlins, goblins, and whatnot in more socially acceptable(by gremlin standards) jobs.

That's all I got for now. If anything comes to me later on that I might've forgotten(and I probably did), I'll try to add it in later.

Catching up.

Note to self: don't press "enter" after inserting the post title.

Anyway, although I've been completely bored and doing nothing at work, I've completely forgot to check online comics mostly due to reinstalling windows during the week and such.

Menage a 3 has been pretty damn cool, this comic wasn't like, ubber funny, but still i found it intresting as it did a lil character development.I really didn't expect him to ask her why would she help him, so i guess the character is being fleshed out pretty well.

In the next one we see that Garry has a pretty low self esteem, but also that Zii is a pretty cool girl, even thought she managed a 2 way with 2 guys in the past, I didn't really regard her as a whore like Didi, kinda strange but maybe it's cause she's like a dude attitude wise. Still can't help but wonder why the guy could still taste the other one... i dunno what happened, but... nasty...

Then in this one, nothing much happens, but man, Garry sure is emotional. But this one rocks, i get the distinct feeling is phenomenally bad at dealing with awkward situations, which is so damn hilarious. i do wonder if she yells the first thing that crosses her mind, or actually says an unrelated true fact about her out loud. Garry's eyes make it so much more funnier too.

NerfNow is back at making TF2 comics, simple but fun.

i'm not sure about part of the pyro and sniper comic though. The fact that the artist doesn't use words in his comics, which is something i really like about it, does tend to create confusion. At first i had a theory that the pyro's footsteps or flamethrower were making noise, and the sniper looked outside to see the source of the noise, and he might have thought the origin was the stickies, as u can even see one of them is a crit, then dismisses it, and tries to snipe engie~tan. This interpretation didn't make much sense though, and it seem that the sniper had previously shot the pyro (lil bandage on the pyro's head), he's going to roast him, the sniper sees no viable escape (although i personally would risk the stickies) and decides to stare at engie~tan's undies while waiting to die. i guess it's kind of funny, but a sniper would just turn back and wait for the pyro to pop out his head. Still funny, but doesn't make that much sense.

The soldier and the nurse comic is nice and makes me realize he doesn't often do comics about the red team, unlike the game's promotional art and "meet the" videos, this artist focuses on the blue team rather than the red, and i'm reminded that he "cast" is different for each team. it's a nice touch and he can develop personalities on each. I feel a lil sad for the soldier but it's still a funny comic. and btw, i'm usually a BLU spy, not a red one.

Also the lil comic I'm posting directly on the blog is very true. Fucking hate snipers and i can't even get pissed at them anymore, they're just missing on the fun and showing incredible lack of skill really.

Earlier today i played a lil, I'm like at noob level again, but anyway, this sniper was just standing still sniping everyone who put their head out, no snipers on our team so the fucker as literally just standing there still waiting to click the mouse button. he got me twice in a row, so i went with spy, snuck past the entire team, and this sniper, who wasn't smart either, was standing in the far back. So i backstabbed him, he must have thought nothing of it, and as soon as he spawned, same spot again, so, well, duh, backstab again. then i went to their base to take out teleporters, for the heck of it, pisses off engies, and when i'm back, who's there sniping in the same spot? only after his 3rd death he asked for pyros to actually spycheck.

Snipers, fucking boring AND useless.

God fucking bless weekends...

Yesterday after work i fell asleep watching tv in the fucking kitchen, i never used to fall asleep anywhere and now I'm dozing off everywhere when I'm back from work! that can't b good. so now I'm up at the awkward time of 3am. i should b trying to sleep, but i feel quite awake and forcing myself to sleep for work is what started this shit anyway.

The conditions at my job, although improving in comfort and getting a really good spot now, is still shit! since a couple of days ago I've been there for 1 month and STILL no work station, which is fucking critical now cause it's programming time and they want to use M$ studio 2008 and M$ server 2005, one is bad, but both at once? on a centrino lappy with only 1 gb? NO FUCKING WAY! the guy helping me learn is patient like a fucking saint, cause while he was explaining me how the framework was setup, it took LITERALLY around 3 mins to compile shit.

Can u imagine u program something, forget a "," somewhere, and have to waste 6-7 mins because of it? my fucking god! we got NOTHING DONE!

Divided by 3 !?!

This land is full of chaos, and it it cries for a master to enslave it. There is only one man who is suitable for that and that man is I, Cao Cao...Nobunaga....vnartist! To demonstrate my sexy powers, I give you an animated sprite of my Portuguese lover :

Weird sleep problem

Ugh, i'm at a "No free time" thing all over again, i think it's cause of my medication as one of them as fatigue as a side effect. basically, i get home, start playing something, and start falling asleep in mid game, either that or audiosurf has a weird effect on me.

I havent done SHIT outside of work, all my awake time has been spent here (posting from work btw).

On top of it, i havent been sleepin well at all, i sleep like 3 hours and wake up, and struggle the rest of the night to get some rest, but never get any.

Hopefully, will get better towards the weekend and will create Jimmy's account for the blog.

Some SNK stuff.

So instead of actually doing some work, i was at work lookin up SNK stuff, was hoping to see KOF XII stuff, but i found out about other interesting SNK games.

They're remaking KOF 98 but with even more characters in it, such as the 96's "boss team", Kasumi Todo, Eiji, Orochi and Goenitz! am not sure what systems it'll come out besides PS2, but i thought i saw PSP and Wii being mentioned somewhere.

My big surprise though is the new Metal Slug game in full 3d! but the game mechanics completely changed as well, doesn't play like a 2d platformer with 3d graphics. Looks wise, i already hate it, but i dunno, it could turn out to b fun. Again, it'll come out of PS2. looks like I'll have to dust off ye ol console.

Chibi Fio is hawt! ^^

Note: both these games may not b recent, but they're still new to me.

An Exercise in Common Idiocy

Well, here I am. Just loitering about seeing if I can manage to do anything myself. I'm sure it'll be several weeks before I can do anything most simple minded nerds can manage, due to my being a computer illiterate idiot.

...I'm not sure if the title makes sense either. Don't ask.

Halloween misc bisness

Halloween, pretty much an holiday we completely ignore here, so i went and played some TF2, fucking raped sum french doods all night with the spy and medic. It's sad when the best player in a team was the medic.

with Halloween comes the tradition of guessing wtf artists drew characters as.

so let's see...

in F@nboy$, the only character who's costume isn't described is patches. i actually guessed that one instantly, he's as Don Carnage from tailspin. And I'm kinda disappointed. the tradition didn't spread as far this year, only F@nboy$ did it. Oh well...

Things are becoming interesting in Menage a 3, Zii is taking upon herself to get Garry laid, not with herself i assume, but this should b funny and embarrassing to see.

Weird lil thing to mention though, in my obsession with onsens (hotsprings), i downloaded an episode of the Samurai pizza cats, to my surprise, there was a VERY FAMILIAR CAT in the background!

Last thing on the agenda today is something i happened to find when lookin for the Dragon knight 4 remake CG set, i saw this chapter title that was just... well. just open the image.

Is anyone else imagining a valley where people walk in, and suddenly! dragons surprise buttsecks you! i mean DK4 was a hentai game, but not that fucked up!

Gonna put a link to a lil megaman video just cause it blew bittenhard's mind.