
Introducing Nadia, the warrior

By Bitten:

Nadia is a human warrior, she's meant to be the main character of a project Bitten has with a friend of his, which is basically to make a webcomic. They're still in the early stages of building up a world and figuring things out though.

Knowing bitten, this design is probably slightly based on his own female warrior in Forsaken World, but i could be wrong.

Forsaken World: A nice tip for the newest expansion

So the new expansion of Forsaken world is now live, the new flying mounts are available to all, and everyone's having fun riding flying barrels with balloons and a propeller, and descovering the new features.

Part of what makes me like Forsaken World so much, despite it's art style, is how when they update, it's always to bring players more helpful features and systems that give us more options and even free things.

[Rant] Unlike Spiral Knights where it feels like the developers just want to remove anything that's remotely convenient to the players, make the game harder and lessfun, and basically make the game less viable as a MMO. AND is the only MMO I've ever heard of that has an expansion you have to buy, splitting the community even more. Also, fixing lag management? That's for fucking hipsters. [/Rant]

Ok, rants aside, I just found out something really neat about FW Nightfall, and if you play, you'll definitely wanna know about this:

Right after the update, I noticed there was a Tab missing in the Shylia Market. After scratching my monkey brain for a little bit, I realized it was the tab that gave us the free lvl 10 mount, the free memory lotuses and the free weekly Lionheart scrolls.

There IS a new tab, but it's not in there. Looked all over, couldn't find it. But, I know that the people who make FW aren't the kind to remove positive features from the game (unlike the assholes who run Spiral Knights), never really even doubted it. So the question was: Where did it go?

Looked around in the forum, and the answer leads to FANTASTIC REWARDS, but first things first: the tab can't be accessed directly, so there's some workaround to be done. Here's the steps:

Press H, in the screen that shows up, scroll all the way up and click "Lvl 10 mount".

This will open a book, click receive your mount. It won't actually claim the mount, but take you to the tab where you can do it.

There we go, we're at the tab we wanted, but wait, there's a lot of sub-tabs there... and if you start looking, the stuff in them is fantastic.

As of FW Nightfall, there's free stuff you can claim every 10 levels, and the rewards are truly WAY over the top.

  • 10 soul gold
  • mount (duration 5 days)
  • 1 bag extension

lvl 20
  • 50 soul gold
  • 2 bag extensions
  • 5 scrolls of sages
  • 200 basic health potions
  • 200 basic mana potions
  • 6 ruby shards

lvl 30
  • 100 soul gold
  • 10 scrolls of sapphire
  • 1 star fragments
  • 32 sapphire shards

lvl 40
  • 150 soul gold
  • 5 scrolls of prophets
  • 2 star fragments
  • 20 turquoise shards
  • 2 fusion agents lvl 1
  • 1 pet's trial scroll
  • 1 pet's fissure scroll

lvl 50
  • 200 soul gold
  • 10 scrolls of sapphire
  • 3 star fragments
  • 20 amethyst shards
  • 2 pet's trial scroll
  • 2 pet's fissure scroll
  • 4 fusion agents lvl 1

lvl 60
  • 200 soul gold
  • 5 star fragments
  • 20 topaz shards
  • 5 star crystals
  • 1 supplies pack (lvl 60) *

lvl 70
  • 200 soul gold
  • 1 supplies pack (lvl 70) *

* Not entire sure, but the level 60 one contains at least 3 Solarflares II, blue chest, legs and waist lvl 60 armor, possibly more things. Haven't opened the lvl 70 one yet but I assume it's similar.

The soul gold alone is crazy.To put it into perspective, with all my characters, I've never had one have more than 50 soul gold at level 40. The star fragments they give you actually might enable you to get very highly upgraded equipment without ever using their boutique (and thus real money). The bag extensions are fantastic and give all of our characters a drastic increase in storage space.

Of course, none of these rewards are tradable. (duh)

Like i said, this tab does not have a more direct way to be accessed, and these fantastic rewards will go unnoticed for most. I'm sure it will be patched in a week or two so it's easier to access.

Can't wait til Bitten gets on so i can tell him about this, he's gonna cream his pants.

Anime makes the most ridiculous shit be awesome

This is something me and Zach found by accident while looking up a voice actor: The Legend of Koizumi

This anime is about world leaders deciding the fate of countries in games of mahjong, it's so absurd we have to look it up on YouTube, and oh my god...

This is the first episode, there's 2 more on YouTube, and they're weirder and more intense, way more...

We all know there's all sorts of anime about silly subjects, some turn out awesome, some are just dumb (Beyblade comes to mind).

This is possibly the best thing I've seen in ages. The ludicrous theme of the show just makes it more entertaining. I highly recommend watching the next 2 episodes, because the get exponentially better and better.

Episode 2

Episode 3

The remakes of Spiderdubs: An opinion

Now, ages ago I wrote a small article to talk about Spiderdub. It isn't quite meant to make sense but ended up being hilarious.

The creator, MW10T, recently partner'd up with someone and now there's a site for his Dubs ( ). That's cool, I like that.

On Youtube, for whatever reason, his first episodes of Spiderdub are missing. Instead of re-uploading them to, which is what he uses now, he remade and re-dubbed the episodes entirely, and they're way longer.

But, that kinda ruins them in a way.

Spiderdub 4 is the first one that available on YouTube and has a remake:

Original YouTube version

Remastered version on

The first ones were short, the timing was good and the voice acting sounded natural. Granted that thinking they were funny or not depends on your sense of humor, but most of the time they amused me.

The "remakes" are really really long and the timing feels off. The voice acting feels much less natural, like he's reading off a script, which is probably what he's doing now.

And he's including those really weird and sometimes somewhat disturbing intermissions in them now, which is something he started doing in all his videos and as far as I know, no one actually likes. They feel like in case you were actually having some fun, they're there to pull the drag chute and make sure you're not anymore.

Those are the biggest downer, because the episodes are already longer and less entertaining, but this random shit in it is making it much worse and right down annoying to watch.

You know what? I just figured it out, he's pulling a George Lucas on us. The Original stuff was good, the later stuff wasn't as good, the remakes are bad with added shit no one cares.

If you disagree with me, feel free to share your opinion.

Couple more pics from the pandaren females

So, this first picture is the concept art for the Pandaren female, and honestly, all I can think about is how awkward it must have been when the artist turned that sketch in.

There must be a really awkward environment at Blizzard right now where no one wants the say the word "furry", but everyone is constantly thinking about it and being confused about their sexual preferences.

Like, the guy who approved the concept and said "It looks good" probably thought in the back of his head "Oh god, I didn't mean it like that, I wonder if he thinks I'm into furries now."

I'd love to work there just to laugh my ass off.

The 2nd pic is a red panda, which is something I was wondering too, although I originally forgot to write about it here.

So now it begs the question: We established that we have more than 1 color, should we expect more? if so, should we expect "nonsense colors"? Cause that would truly be going into full furry territory.

Here's a little known fact, back in the day, I made a couple of WoW model mods, and one of them was for Dwarven females, I'm very familiar with their build, and I gotta say, the more I look at the female Pandarens, the more I see similarities with the Dwarven counterpart.

Here's the last and probably only surviving picture of the mod btw. Don't ask me for it, it's long gone.

Slightly off-topic, but along with those pics, I found this one, and it looks like a sort of rat that is also part dragon and carries a small barrel with explosives with it.

I dunno what it is, but I thought it looked awesome.

WoW's female Pandaren revealed

So, this is something I mentioned a while ago, the female Pandaren.

Well, it's not too thin. Doesn't look too bad really.

Obviously, you have a wave of people hating it, and another wave of people loving it. But honestly, my interest is the sexual dimorphism. So let's compare:

Again, and IF this is up to scale, it looks reasonable. Personally I would had made the female a lil "wider", but seems fine to me.

I've read people comparing the female Pandaren to the female Dwarves, Which I can't see as a negative thing since they were my fav females build wise. Also, it's fitting seeing as Samwise, the artist who originally came up with the Pandaren, always linked them to Dwarves, in the sense both liked booze and getting in fights.

I think he has drawn, years ago, some pictures of Pandarens and Dwarves partying together.

IF I were to change something, I'd give the female Pandaren wider hips and thighs. They seem a lil thin for that build.

Another video about ME3 and "entitlement"

Just today, Foreverpandering uploaded a video on Youtube about gamer entitlement. However, he made it into a satire, which actually makes it quite funny.

Showed it to bitten earlier, he laughed at it so i don't think it'll offend anyone.

I'm kinda sick of the subject of ME3 and the greed/incompetence of the gaming industry in general. This last week it's all people have been talking about like it's something new. I've been saying this shit for years.

Just yesterday, I was talking to a friend and saying that they knew it didn't matter if ME3 was good or bad, cause everyone was gonna buy it anyway. With that knowledge in mind, why put effort into it? If we could "unbuy" games, the gaming industry would actually have to try harder. And we can't have that.

I still strongly encourage people to do research and watch reviews of a game before buying it. Don't buy shitty games, save your money to encourage good gaming.

Still, this is a fun vid, enjoy.

New Bro Team Pill: Lord of the Rings Online

There's a few of these I haven't posted when I was fucked up in bed unable to move.

Maybe it was because I was in pain, but i didn't particularly think they were funny. Heck this one feels ok, but it's starting to stale.

I tend to attribute the fact that I'm getting bored with something to my personality. I do tend to get bored with things abnormally fast sometimes, usually simply by analyzing it and thinking about it for a bit.

But even if they're not as funny to me as they used to, they're still interesting in the sense that they pick up games I've never heard of, and I can get an impression of the game in a rather short video. Granted a grossly inaccurate impression, but still.

I guess if the votes for these videos are still positive, I'll keep posting these.

A video about DLC by Supergreatfriend

This is a video from Supergreatfriend, a LPer and reviewer that both me and Zach have a been a fan of since his "Deadly Premonition" LP.

While playing in his LPs or reviewing, he talks about his views on gaming, and one of the reasons I like the guy is because for the most part, I share those views, although he's way more tolerant than I am.

Recently, there's been a lot of controversy and general bullshit about Mass Effect 3, and this video is mostly Supergreatfriend venting/ranting about the subject.

You only need to listen to it, the video is unimportant, it's something random he threw on it just so it wasn't a black screen.

Me and Bitten were having a long ass convo about this just yesterday, and I was having trouble explaining my point of view to him. So I'm going to force him to watch this tomorrow.

I was also thinking about writing some article about the subject and get flamed for it. I'm just glad Supergreatfriend saved me the trouble.

I may still write something about the subject, because the concept of DLC has been corrupted and twisted so bad. Some companies lock content that was originally in the game on purpose now. Just seems that in general, it had a very negative impact on gaming.

Forsaken World: 100000 likes celebration (2 x Exp)

They sure likes excuses to give their players free stuffs and bonuses.

So, we're having a double exp week, because it wasn't ridiculously fast enough to level up early on (still a pain in the ass around 60+ though).

Double EXP Begins:
  • Friday, March 16, 2012 (3PM PDT, 6PM EDT)

Double EXP Ends:
  • Friday, March 23, 2012 (3PM PDT, 6PM EDT)

Maybe I should start an assassin...

An interesting video about memes, online communities, and humor

It's kinda long, but I do find this interesting and I agree with most of it. A specific part of this video really got to me though, it's at 7:21.

Don't mind the first minute with the idiot talking, it's an example of a point the author of this video wanted to make.

Also, warning, at the end he screams pretty loud, watch out for the last 5 or so secs.

I know I can't be the only one that's sick and tired of memes like "took an arrow to the knee". Remember "The cake is a lie"? that got old way too fast too.

It's also lame when at that part I mentioned at 7:21, someone makes something creative and original, and some random loser poorly edits it and re-posts it as his own in an online community. It's a horrible feeling for the original artist to have your work used like that and to go uncredited.

I'm not a great artist but even I had stuff I worked on get stolen and/or credited to someone else.

I got nothing against Reddit in particular though, I never even visit the site. I just hate people who use other people's work and don't credit them for it and people who repeat memes over and over again.

Memes are like jokes, it's only funny once.

Just a quick update and an upgrade

My recovery is going ok, most of the pains are gone and some of the staples were removed, however, still can't sit in a way where i can write about something for an extended period of time.

It really annoys me to not have stuff posted on here for too many days in a row, but right now, can't do much about it.

However, yesterday I followed a tutorial and added "threaded comments" to the blog. What this means is that now you can reply to other comments. I think I read there was a limitation of 2 levels in that system, but it's better than nothing.

Gaming Music

Every so often interesting video game inspired music is found on the internet. This is one of those.

Forsaken World’s One-year anniversary event

It's FW's first year celebration, and as such, everyone gets prizes, new and old characters alike. However, the older characters get slightly nicer ones.

Condition for veteran player status:
  • FW players with a Lv30 character created on/before 3/31/2011 are eligible for:

Prizes if your are an veteran player:
  • Humphrey mount (Lv20)
  • Selarion pet (Lv65)
  • VIP Pack
  • Diamond Event Pack
  • 10 Edge Badges
  • Forsaken Veteran Title
  • Forsaken Anniversary Title

Prizes for anyone else:
  • Selarion pet (Lv65)
  • VIP Pack
  • Diamond Event Pack
  • 10 Edge Badges
  • Forsaken Anniversary Title

How to claim:

"XCOM: Enemy Unknown first look"

It's been shitty lately, my recovery isn't being normal in the sense that I'm told I'm having way more pain that it would be normal to. So even though I'm on painkillers, I still feel a rather big amount of pain throughout the day.

So I'm feelin crappy cause i got nothing to look forward too and things right now suck, and then I see this and it made me smile:

I fucking love XCOM! Although I mostly played Terror from the deep, I always thought it was awesome how much strategy was involved with those series.

If you've never played it, XCOM was a management and turn based strategy game where micromanagement was pretty much necessary.

Off battle, you run the XCOM organization, you setup the bases, you hire personnel, handpick soldiers, assign individual soldier and craft loadout, you can buy and sell military resources, assign what to research and how many scientists should research it, what to manufacture and how many engineers work on it, deal with the international funding, etc. You DECIDE EVERYTHING.

And that's just off battle, it was this insanely hard to run organization that required tons to money to run effectively.

In battle was similar in the sense of the time units, and how even facing a different direction meant spending time. You manage fights down to the milliseconds.

The problem with the game at the time was that, there was SO MUCH you could do that 1 scouting mission would last ridiculously long, like, a couple of hours. It required the player to do so much for everything and was kinda hard to get into I guess.

I'm gonna be so depressed if this doesn't come out for PC.

Bittenhard's pokemon ruby team

From Bitten:

Bitten seemed nostalgic about these pokemon.

Seems that this is the actual team he used to beat ruby, and then later on ported to diamond. His game in diamond got corrupted so he thought he lost these pokemon forever, however he checked recently and they were still there.

I prefer when Bitten draws his pokemon more "feral", as in, mostly the same size and shape that they have in the games and opposed to all humanoid around the same height.

I'm alive

I was SO not prepared for the loss of mobility and the pain...

Apparently, to save money, Portuguese hospitals have you up 2 hours after an operation and out the door 3 hours later. I cannot express how painful it was to get home.

I've been sleeping in a room downstairs with nothing around to let people know I was (relatively) fine.

I'm sorry for worrying my friends, but I just couldn't move. Heck, i needed help just to make it to the bathroom.

Recovery is slow and painful. Prolly at least a couple of weeks til i can do stuff near normal. I'll get a temp-slave to update the blog.